Chapter 11: Support

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His answers: both. Baekhyun runs after you whilst pulling out his phone and calling Ji Yeonhee.

"Hello Ji? Do you know who So is?" He spoke, the white mist causing by his heavy breathing appearing in the light snowfall. 

Where did she go?....I should have caught up with her by now.

"...So...Why?" Ji answers frantically, he then musters all the energy left to speak since he was sprinting but unfortunately lost your trial so is next best guess was your house.

"We kinda...had a run in and (y/n) ran off." Baehkyun reaches your house and resumes a walking pace towards your door before knock.

It took you a few moments but you nervously open the door to revealing a puffed out Baekhyun. 

"Come inside, you are going to catch a cold." You emotionlessly. As he walks past you, he takes time to look at your facial expression. You may have sounded emotionless and neutral whilst speaking just before but Baekhyun saw that pure fright in you eyes. They were also red, probably from rubbing them. You then lead Baekhyun into her living room before talking off into the kitchen to make him a warm drink to heat himself up.

He does not take a seat in the living room, in fact, he follows you into your kitchen. "Who was that, (y/n)?" He speaks with concern before placing a hand on your shoulder, only to have you flinch slightly.

"No one you need to worry about." You replied coldly. This cause Baekhyun to frown and he asked you again.

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want to drag anyone else into my mess and it's nothing you should worry about." You replied coldly once again, Baekhyun was now starting to lose his patience but he knew if he wanted to get you to talk he would have to remain calm.

"What is stopping you, do you not trust me?"

"NO! It's not like that, I do trust you." You quickly responded honestly.

You look up with sadden eyes for one second but breaks eye contact with Baekhyun before turning around and handing him a hot chocolate. "Drink this before you get a cold." You changed the topic.

"Then what is it?" He questioned once again but she still remains silent. He sighed, he watched as you stared at the floor emotionlessly, like a broken robot, completely out of it. If this guy really scared you this much Baekhyun definitely wanted to get to the bottom of this, so he can end it. "(Y/N)!" Baehyun shouted, losing his patience and yell at you but instantly regret it as he sees your expression change to a scared one. "I'm sorry for yelling, if you still don't trust me but believe me when I say I am your friend and I am here to look out for you and help you overcome these problems." He apologised before immediately enveloping you into a warm embrace, he couldn't hold himself back anymore, he wanted to comfort you so badly and to make you smile.  He could tell by the way you reacted that you were taken back by his bold action first taken back but you soon hug him back, letting your body melt into his tight embrace.

"I know." You whisper, a small smiled replacing the thin line. You needed this, a hug. Not from Tae and Ji even though their hugs were amazing an embrace from Baekhyun was different. You felt safe. The small hug ignited a small spark between the two of you and a small tear rolled down your cheek and into Baekhyun's neck.  He doesn't break the embrace but instead moves his hand to whip away the tears that were falling.  

"SO.....SO..who is that?" You look at him with shock.

"How did-Ji...." You glance to the right and then once again made eye contact with him. You couldn't dodge his questions anymore and you knew he had to tell him eventually but you don't know if you could do it, remember the past and retell it.  "I guess you could call him a bully, he hurts me for fun, he is sick." You fake spits at the mention of him.

"How long?" 

"Since high school." You answer plainly.

"Well Ji, V and I are your friends and we will do anything to protect you, Okay?" Baekhyun smiled before moving a few strands of hair out of your face, revealing the small smile that had formed on your lips.

"Smile all the time okay?" 



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