Chapter 4: Exo Next Door

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I instantly flick my head sideways glaring at my phone. "SHUT UP!" I place a pillow on top of my phone so it stops making a noise but it doesn't stop the same ring continued to ring through my bedroom in an annoying manner. "Ahhhh," I screamed in frustration. Here I thought I was going to sleep in. I groggily pick up my phone and open messages on my phone and see that Ji had messaged me, she is up so early.

Lifeless Ji: To make it up to you for going to work early yesterday, I will take you too me work and introduce you to the cute guys who live across from me, I also have surprise for you (¬‿¬)

(Y/n): I'll pass. I need to find a job.

Lifeless Ji: Come on plz, don't blow me off (Y/N)!! (T▽T)

Lifeless Ji: (Y/N)

Lifeless Ji: (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)!!!

(Y/n): Okay I will come over if you stop spamming me!

Lifeless Ji: Okay be over in half an hour, cya then.

I huff in frustration.

Ahhhh typical Ji. I better get ready then.

I lazily walk over to my wardrobe and pick out a cute but warm outfit which consisted of a warm black coat, and mustard yellow scarf to go with it. Of course, I had a pair of jeans and a cream colours woolen jumper. Before leaving my room I take a look in the mirror and nod my head in approval "Good job (y/n)." and I continue my morning routine.

By the time I finish, I had half an hour to get there. I exit my apartment and I start my walk to Ji's house and plugging in my earphones and begin the quiet stroll.

It was quiet no, scratch that. It WAS too early in the morning and the neighbourhood looked dead. There was only one car and nobody to be seen on the sidewalk. All you need was a tumbleweed to complete the scenery.

I am two blocks away from Ji's house when I run to a familiar face, it was my high school crush. I freeze with nervousness, I hope he doesn't recognise me. I try and cover my face but the song Beautiful comes in by the Baekhyun and it nearly brings me to tears, the flashbacks hit me like a truck. I begin to lose my balance whilst walking and I scoff silently to myself because of this.

Keep on walking, just keep breathing.

"Hey..." I look up and see him walk towards me with a maniacal expression. I ignore him and I begin to run, brushing past him. I continue to run as fast as I can to Ji's house, when I arrive I knock on the door frantically.

"Hello?" I say out of breath. The wait for Ji to open the door seemed like forever but thankfully her mother came to my rescue, I wanted to get out of sight as fast as possible. "Hello Mrs Kim, is Ji home?"

"Oh hello (y/n), no sorry she is cleaning. She left you this note."

"Thank you." I bow and open the note.

Dear (y/n),

Come to the house I am cleaning at your surprise and I are waiting for you there.

Love from Ji.

Am I going on a scavenger hunt or something? I slightly pout and head across the street.


I ring the doorbell. I hope I got the right house. Thankfully the door opens to reveal a very excited Ji.

"Hel-ah." Ji pulls me in excitedly and tells me to close my eyes.

"Take off your shoes and close them, I will be back okay?" She spoke.

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