Chapter 2: Tae

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Whilst I waited for Ji to return from her 'cleaning job'. I received a message on my phone, since I had nothing better to do I replied.

TaeTae: Hey (y/n) are you free to Skype? I finally have some free time to call 〔'∇`〕

(Y/n): Yay finally, give me a sec.

 I smiled gleefully whilst clicking on the video call symbol on my phone. Tae was a very busy person and you hardly got to see him but after coming back from holiday he seemed to have a bit more free time to spend with me which I happily accepted. A few seconds later my laptop screen pops up with his name and I quickly press accept.

"Hey Tae, look what I am wearing!" I jump up and show him the top I was wearing. "Or should i call you V?" I smirk whilst sitting back down again. (A/N- yes that's right...the famous V from Bts is one of your best friends).

"Hahaha hey (y/n), that's one amazing jumper you got there." I hear him chuckle in response.

"Hmm I wonder why." I sent him a crooked smile before holding my hand up to my face in a thinking position. 

"Are you in Ji's room? Where is she?" He inquired with curiosity as he examined my surrounding.

"She said she needs to go and clean." I shurgged. Tae fell silent for a few seconds before bursting out into fits of laughter.

"Hahahah can you imagine Ji cleaning?" He said inbetween laughter.

"THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING!" I laughed along. "Ohh, guess what?" I lean in close to the screen and gestures for Tae to lean in as well.

"What?" He frantically leans into which seems like a computer screen with curiosity evident in his voice.

"Apparently Ji lives next to a famous k-pop group, but their name escapes me." I say before leaning back whilst scratching my head, trying to remember the name of the group Ji mentioned.



"Got 7?"


"Exo?" Tae named one by one.

"Oooo ya that one! You know their music isn't that bad, she showed me this song called like rain like music by the of the member who sung it escapes me again."


"How did you know what?" I spoke in shock

"He's a good friend of mine." He chuckled at my surprise response. "So how was your holiday?"

I froze before smiling softly. "It was refreshing to get away from all the drama that happened in high school." I honestly admitted.

"That'g goo to hear. That was the sole purpose am I right?" Tae grinned.

"Yeah but months wss too long." I pouted. "I missed you guys." 

"Hahahah I know, I missed you too!" Tae held his hands up, further exaggerating his point. "I missed singing with you."

"Ooooo, I have an idea." I suddenly babbled.

"What?" Tae quickly responded.

"I have been away for so long and I haven't sung with you in ages, we should sing a song?"

"Right now?" Tae laughed at my sudden burst of enthusiasm.

"YEAH!" I cheered.

"Hahahha okay." 

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