Meeting Dragons

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Sorsa felt something slightly soft beneath her head. The back of her head ached, and her whole body felt like it was on fire. Although she was awake, she kept her eyes closed. She was trying to tell where she was, and which direction she facing. The sunlight falling across her face and upper chest, made it easy to decipher which time of day it was. I’m facing east, Sorsa thought, it’s about noon. Her right arm, she couldn’t move it. A weight of some sort could be felt, but she could not estimate how heavy it was.

Panicked, Sorsa opened her eyes, and looked down. Lying on half of her forearm, snuggled between the arm and her chest was a small creature about the size of a cat. Sorsa didn’t know what it was. It had scales, like a reptile, that were bright white, almost transparent. Its eyes were closed, and it had one horn on its nose. Its wings were like that of a bats, and way too big for its body. It also had a head that almost looked too big for it.  The last thing Sorsa noticed, was the claws and teeth. They were razor sharp, and were obviously meant for ripping and tearing meat.

Sorsa took her arm out suddenly, the creature opened its eyes and looked into hers. It was like staring into bright white fire with only snake slits for pupils. It stretched like a dog or cat would, front paws down to the ground, behind in the air. It looked around its surroundings, and began to lift her hand with its nose and rub against her hand. Its just like a new born puppy, Sorsa found herself thinking. 

The creature settled itself only a hairs width way from her, and went back to sleep, head on her leg. Once she knew it meant her no harm, Sorsa took in her surroundings. She was in the middle of the thickest forest she had ever seen, and was leaning against a tree. A glimmer of metal caught her attention. The dagger she usually kept in her room for protection was stuck in the middle of tree roots, only the hilt was visible. She also noticed a tight resistance on her ankle. Some how she had gotten a rope tied securely around her ankle, and then around the tree she was leaning against. Floods of memories came to her of what happened the night before. The strange darkness walls, the strange figure riding a bear. How do you do that, she wondered?She also happened to notice her arm burned a little. She looked at her right arm, and curled around her arm was a bright white burn in the shape of a dragon that started in her palm and ended in the middle of her biceps. Don’t freak out, she thought, just remain calm. She breathed in deeply

She only waited about an hour when until the small creature next to her stood up and growled at the sky. A gust of wind followed by a large bird like creature descending from the sky. Slowly it got larger and larger, until it covered the hole in the canopy to the sky.  It landed, bright emerald green flecks filled the forest around as sunlight hit the scales. A dragon, Sorsa thought in awe.

It had a green body as long as the oldest tree in the forest was tall. It had a saddle on its back to reveal a small man, compared to the dragon, sitting in the saddle as the wings folded. Jumping down was made to look like an art as the man descended quickly to the ground. The man was actually quite tall. He wore a black cloak with the hood put down. He had green eyes that matched his dragon, and his ears were pointed. She noticed he had a dark green marking like hers on his right arm, but it was shorter and ended in the middle of his lower arm instead of his biceps. 

“Good, you’re finally awake,”the man said.

Sorsa remained silent. She had no idea who, or what this man was. She had always heard stories about dragons and riders, but deep down she had never truly believed them. The small white creature inched closer to her, eyes kept on the green dragon, teeth bared. 

“Well, I suppose you do have a reason for not talking. You don’t know me, and you had quite the ordeal last night,” the man told her. “Allow me to introduce myself, I am Morn, and this is my dragon Lian.”  A few minutes went by in an awkward silence, when Sorsa experienced the strangest sensation she had ever encountered. 

You don’t have to be scared Sorsa, I’m not going to hurt you.

Sorsa froze and from pure fright whispered, “What was that?”

“Oh, that voice in your head? That was Lian talking to you,” Morn explained.

“How it that possible?”

Well, how else do you expect us to communicate? Dragons don’t have the right teeth or voice box, Lian told her.

Looking straight at the dragon, Sorsa asked “How did you know my name?”

Sorsa, we were in your town, and asked around. 

“Why were you ‘asking around’ about me?”

We had to know who you were, and if you were an enemy.

“Wasn’t that obvious when I was running from those men last night?”

No, when I saw the egg drop and you touch it, and when Morn saw the flash, we had to get you out of the town. We simply wanted to know if you were an enemy.

“I see. What egg?”

“That gem that dropped from my pack, that was not a gem, it was an egg,” Morn cut in.

“Wait, you’re the one who bought the dagger from me! No wonder you were so strange! And if that gem you gave me was an egg, does that mean those men who attack me have it.”

No, remember how it kept appearing wherever you were?


Well, you are sitting next to your dragon.

 Sorsa looked down, stunned. She now saw the small creature in a new light; it was hers. 

That made her a rider! The small dragon looked into her eyes, and she suddenly saw an image of herself in her mind. Then just as soon as it had come, the image faded. 

“It is a lot to take in, I know, but you’ll get used to it,” Morn explained. 

“Magic comes when a dragon chooses you, right?”


“Does that make me a magician?”

“No, an Elemist.”

“A what?”

“An Elemist. Your dragon is special, it is a Wealsk.”

“A Wealsk?”

“Please, I know you have many questions. But at the moment we are being hunted by the emperor’s men. Will you come with us?”

“Am I being hunted too?”


“Well do I really have a choice in the matter. Yes.” 

“Great, lets be off.”

Morn began to turn to walk away, but Sorsa called his name. “Morn, can I have my dagger back from the tree please?”

“Of course, I almost forgot,” Morn said, shocked that he forgot.

“And can you detach me from the tree?”

“Oh, Sorry.”

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