The Message

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They had traveled all night without stopping. They would’ve stopped for the night, but as they had reached a reasonable clearing, Claqu was seen in the clearing right next to theirs. Needless to say they did not stop at all. Lien had come back from patrol in the form of a chipmunk about 4 hours after midnight. No one spoke the whole time so they didn’t give away their position. 12 hours later.... the group arrived in Dranant. 

Lien and Airn stayed outside the small village. Though they could shape-shift, they did not initially act like the different animals they changed into. Airn was having difficulty grasping the concept of barking, especially like a dog. Besides, they needed to go hunting. They also wouldn’t be able to walk through the town in dragon form.

Sorsa and Morn looked very tired. There were dark circles under their eyes, and new wrinkles had formed. They walked with their backs slightly hunched, and their heads down. Sorsa’s hair was tangled and didn’t look like she’d washed it in forever (she kind of hadn’t either). Her brown dress was torn and raged looking. Morn wore a type of band around his head to cover his pointed ears. He was carrying what was left of their things on his back in the pack. He looked like he was covered in dirt.

No one paid them any attention as they walked into town. They looked like any peasant who had traveled here. They stopped at the market and bought some supplies, then went to a tavern for dinner. As they waited for their host to bring them their dinner, Sorsa sighed, “Sit down feels so good. I might never get up.”

“Agreed, but we do need to get a move on.”

“I know Morn, but let me enjoy this while it lasts.”

They ate silently, gorging themselves in the glorious taste of food. The meal consisted of chicken, potatoes and gravy, and a salad. They had both finished, and were leaning their chairs against a wall with satisfied appetites, when Morn heard a hiss. He sat bolt upright, and took out money to pay for the meal, hastily.

“What is it?” Sorsa asked in surprise.

“We need to leave.”

Sorsa didn’t ask questions. Morn left the money on the table and they both walked out. They walked out of the village to the forest to find Lien and Airn waiting for them in a clearing. They stopped, and unable to control her curiosity, Sorsa asked again, “What is it?” Then she heard it, a hiss coming form behind them and getting closer.

On the ground a strip of fresh soil popped out of the ground and was moving toward them. It stopped next to Morn’s foot. A snake head came form that spot, and soon a body appeared as it slithered around Morn. A sand snake, very poisonous. Sorsa froze, Airn stared it down, Lien didn’t seem to notice, and Morn crouched down to look at it! “Morn, what are you doing?!” Sorsa whispered.

The snake raised itself up, and looked straight into Morn’s eyes. “Message?” asked Morn. The snake nodded yes. “Relay,” said Morn. The sand snake relayed a series of hissing noises. Morn nodded and replied, “Thank you. Tell them Ship Anchor.” The snake nodded and buried itself into the ground. Soil popped up as it slithered away underground. Morn stood up, face looking thoughtful. 

Sorsa was overwhelmed. She was shocked, surprised, angry, fascinated, and tired all at the same time. “You can talk to snakes,” she said looking like she’d lost something.

“Yep,” Morn replied, “and I can speak to many more creatures than just snakes.”

“Okay? Well, what did it say?”

“HE said that an escort was coming to get us in one week at Ship Anchor.”

“Great. Wait.... that’s a river.”

“I know, it makes it so Claqu can’t set a trap at a specific place.”

“Right! How will they find us?!”

“They’ll just know.”

“Oh, yeah, that’s nice. How?”

“You’ll find out. Now, let’s get a fire going and get some rest. We have a week to travel about a thousand miles on foot. If we’re lucky we can teach you how to ride Airn.”

A.N. Did you know that he could talk to snakes? Tell me if you expected that! VOTE, FOLLOW, COMMENT, READ!!! :D  

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