A Dragon's Name

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Her vision was hazy. After bing hit in the head with (what was it, a rock?) And then tacked and tied up, she could see Claqu in front of her. He was obviously speaking, but it all sounded like a jumble of grunts. She was focusing on untying her hands and feet. The soldier that had tacked her had made the mistake of tying the rope in the Yarn Knot. The outside was secure, and could never be taken apart. The inside however, you simply had to pull the correct loose end and the knot would crumble into a pile of rope.

She kept her eyes on Claqu, just to be sure he wasn’t suspicious of her undoing the rope. Claqu lifted his hand. “Sorsa.” Someone was touching her. Inside of a dark cage Claqu smiled menacingly, her dragon was scared and calling to her! She could tell he was in pain, her dragon’s leg was covered in blood. “Sorsa.” she had to get her dragon out of here. “Sorsa.” “The emperor will be very happy to see you, and Airn,” Claqu said. No, she and Airn would NOT go there. “Sorsa!” she tugged on the rope end. The rope fell into a pile next to her. She gathered all the strength in her legs, and launched herself at Claqu. 


“Sorsa!” Sorsa’s eyes snapped open, she grabbed Morn’s arm on his most sensitive pressure point. She put all her weight on one side, and flipped him flat on his back. Sorsa looked around her, and finally came to herself. Lien was now on her feet walking over to Morn. Sorsa’s 2 day old dragon was on her shoulder, studying her.

“Urgh,” Morn grimaced in pain. He got up off the cave floor, rubbing his arm where Sorsa had grabbed it. “That was very unexpected.”

“I’m so sorry!” Sorsa exclaimed, shocked that she had done that to him. “I didn’t mean to, I swear!”

“At least you know how to defend yourself. I though you were bluffing when you’d said that you had measured pressure points last night. Why did you attack me anyway?”

“To be honest, I don’t know. I was in the middle of a dream where I fighting someone. You woke me up just as it got... worse.”

“I see. That’s very...”



“He wasn’t this big last night!!” Sorsa said starring at the white dragon that was now snuggling in her folded arms.

“Well of course he is. Dragons tend to grow in fast spurts of growth. And once they are big enough to ride, then they grow at a steady pace for the rest of their lives. You have an elemental dragon, they grow fast than normal dragons as well.”   

Latter that day, Sorsa was sitting at the edge of the cave with her legs over the side. Her dragon was next to her, staring into the mass of blue over the forest. Lien and Morn had gone out on patrol. They were trying to lead Claqu off their trail. She knew it wouldn’t work. 

Sorsa knew she needed to make a decision on the dragon’s name. After all, she did not intend on calling him Dragon for the rest of her life. The dream, though. Whenever she tried to think of a suitable name, that dram popped back into her had. It was annoying.

The emperor will be happy to see you, and Airn.” Claqu had said. Sorsa had no idea who this “Airn” was that he was referring to. She simply knew that she needed a name for this dragon. Think, she thought, a suitable name for a dragon. Not just any dragon, the Air Element Dragon. Erik? No! Horrible to be called as a human. An air dragon, Air. Arron, nah, that sounds like a run.      

The dragon hissed. “What is it,” Sorsa asked. He was looking at the tree tops. “There’s nothing out there, just the birds, trees, sky, air’n....” she trailed off thinking.

The dragon was looking at her with glee, like she had hid the right cord on an instrument. The dram came back to her mind, “The emperor will be happy to see you and Airn.” “You and Airn,” she murmured “Airn. Airn!”

The dragon leapt into her arms, knocking the breath out of her. “You know, you’ve gotten a lot heavier; Airn.” The sentence finished, and a ring of energy formed around them. The ring slowly became more and more condense, until it blew. The energy wave flew in all directions, like ripples in a pond.  

I finally stopped, Sorsa had no idea what just happened. She only knew that Airn was running around the cave like a drunk dragon, and that her head felt as if a whole had been cut in the back of it. Her new dragon burn was also burning again. She also knew that because of that energy wave, their position had been given away.   

Author's Notes: This chapter is dedicated to vVTheBookwormVv  who finally updated her book! Yay!:D Keep going Girl!!            

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