Magic Arrows

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She seemed... different somehow. She had come back an hour late, and had changed. Not just in appearance where she had acquired white and silver hair highlights and the same colored specks in her eyes, but she had mentally changed as well. She seemed more confident and had an air of superiority about her; same with Airn. When he had asked them why they were late, Airn had said, We were reading. When he asked them where they were reading, Sorsa had said, “Where the sun meets the sky.” He didn’t understand at all.

It was 24 hours later, and each pair was flying side by side. Morn was looking at Sorsa while Lien was flying. Sorsa and Airn were flying with their faces straight toward the wind, perfectly calm. They were obviously talking. Morn had a suspicious feeling it was about where they had gone yesterday, but he couldn’t be sure because they hadn’t told him anything about yesterday except that they had read something at a place where, apparently, “the sun met the sky.” Whatever that meant. Sorsa and Airn had been like this ever since they had taken flight that morning. 

Sorsa’s eyes looked over form their corners, then the rest of her head whipped around lightning fast. “What?” she yelled over the wind.

“Oh, nothing. You’ve just been completely silent and have been staring off into space for the past 3 hours!”

“Come on Morn, it’s not like......” A whistling noise was sounding, and was steadily getting louder. Both dragons suddenly swerved in opposite directions, causing both Sorsa and Morn to hold on to their dragon’s necks tightly. A very thin black blur shot straight up and past where they were. It stopped then fell back down. An arrow. More came from random places, all of which were on the ground. 

The dragons were in chaos. They were all over the sky diving, spiraling, and moving so fast that they were nothing but blurs themselves. Trying to dodge arrows wasn’t simple for small creatures, but for the dragons it was especially difficult. The arrows would come from nowhere, and seemed to be almost chasing them. The dragon riders where hanging on their dear lives. 

Morn! Sorsa contacted through telepathy, The arrows, they’re following us! Morn looked back to see the arrows following every movement of Lien and Airn. He muttered under his breather a few choice cuss words that will not be mentioned. What! Sorsa asked panicked. 

Those are magic arrows.


They are altered with dark magic so that they follow the target they are shot at as long as 20 minutes. They only stop when they hit the target or one of its brethren does.


When they hit their target they inject a poison that completely disables them for about a day or so.

Perfect, so the only way we’re getting out of this is if we are lucky or are disabled!

No, I know how to get them to stop after they start following us, but not when they keep coming like this.

We need to take out those archers then!

I know.

I’ll be fast. 

Sorsa, I really don’t....

Morn there’s no other way out of this. Besides you’ll know exactly where I am, and those stupid soldiers will be nothing!

Another arrow shot past them, almost hitting Morn in the face. Be quick.

See you in about 20 minutes tops. Sorsa and Airn pulled back and made a very hasty landing, disappearing below the tree tops. A few arrows broke away from the group and followed them. Morn raised a giant rock out of the ground putting it in the arrows path. The arrows collided with it and shattered, never to fly again.

Lien and Morn flew in circles over the same area of forest, more and more arrows adding the procession. Morn! Anytime now!

I can’t, not until Sorsa stops the archers.

Well I can’t keep them off out tail for much longer!

I can only do it once! I have to wait until all of the arrows are following us and no more are being fired. We have to wait tor Sorsa.

Then we’d better pray she does it quickly.

They continued to fly in circles. Morn was focusing on gathering as much energy as possible. The mass of arrows behind them speedily increased. Every few minutes 1 black arrow would surge forward away from the group to hit Lien and Morn. Lien would dodged the arrow would disappear and reappear in the very back of the group. Lien was becoming overwhelmed as the arrows attempts became more frequent. On top of this, more arrows continued to be fired at them directly from the ground. The situation was becoming desperate. Sorsa! Please hurry!

A.N. Was that good enough of a cliff hanger for you!? Please comment. 

Thanks for reading you awesome people! 



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