To Fall and To Fly

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The surrounding soldiers took out their weapons and pointed their razor sharp ends at the four prisoners. The magicians started a fir spell on their finger tips. Lien was now a lion, roaring a warning to any enemy that came closer. Morn was standing beside Sorsa in the middle of the cave. Airn was in front of Sorsa baring his teeth and snarling. Sorsa was in the same position, frozen, and had no idea what just happened.

“That was a very bad move, Sorsa!” said the grumbling figure of Claqu on the floor.

“What?!” Sorsa replied finally being pulled out of a trance by someone talking to her.

Claqu picked himself off the floor, and narrowed his eyes. “I didn’t want to have to use force. I knew I’d have to, but I didn’t want to.” he snapped his fingers. Four walls of dark magic appeared around Sorsa and the other three. They began to close in tighter.

Hold on the Airn! Sorsa shook her head, that was weird. Sorsa! Hold on the Airn!!

Morn! Your mouth isn’t moving! How can I hear you?!

Mind contact. Humans can’t do it unless they’ve been trained or can use magic. Now that you are connected to Airn you can do it whenever you want. Humans also choose not to do this for privacy reasons, apparently. 

I can why, I feel violated on sooo many levels!!

Just hold on the Airn!! I’m going to do something drastic!!

I don’t like the way you said.... I mean thought that! Sorsa knelt next to Airn and hugged him around the neck. Man you’ve gotten big, she thought as she closed her eyes. A laugh of a small child filled her head. Airn? Sorsa, it replied.

Lien turned into a jack-rabbit and hopped over to Sorsa and Airn. Morn’s eyes were closed, and his face scowled in concentration. The dark walls closed in.

The cave shuddered. The sounds of men crashing to the floor was heard through the walls. The mountain began to shake violently. Morn yelled, and the floor around the group gave away.

Sorsa opened her eyes. She, Airn, Morn, and Lien were being retracted to the bottom of the mountain on a perfectly circular column; that was slowly disappearing into the ground. The layers of the mountain were speeding by so fact that they were a blur. A shout of anger was heard above. Sorsa looked up to see a small circle of daylight with the silhouette of a man in it.

They hit solid ground within minutes. Morn threw his right hand forward, as if pushing someone down. The wall directly in front of them flew outward in boulders. They ran out into the clearing in front of the mountain.

Morn was panting, and sweat covered his face. Lien turned into her true dragon form. Morn climbed into the saddle on her back, and held his hand out to Sorsa. “Come on,” he panted, “we need to get..... out of here.”

“Will we all fit?” she asked.

“We’ll have too.” Sorsa climbed into the saddle behind Morn, Airn sat on her lap. Lien took off, and it was scary. Sorsa could feel herself slipping off. She was also afraid of heights, which didn’t help things. Airn was loving it. He had the look of a child getting a new present in his eyes and on his face.

From the cave came 9 figures flying in a bird V. At the head was Claqu. Claqu and 8 magicians were flying at full speed toward them.

“How are they doing that? They aren’t riding anything!” exclaimed Sorsa over the wind.

“Flight spell,” Morn replied, “didn’t know he could to that.”

“Neither did I.” The human birds flew closer, and were gaining distance fast. They began to fire at them, with fire. Lien could not maneuver and go fast with the extra weight. 

A fire ball hit Sorsa’s thigh. She yelped, and lost her grip. She and Airn fell. “No!!!” yelled Morn, Lien roared in panic. Lien tried to swoop around, only to be shot at by eight magicians now surrounding them. Claqu broke away from the group and V-lined for Sorsa. 

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The trees were increasingly coming closer. Airn was trying to glide, but he still didn’t know how to use his wings very well. Sorsa was falling with her back toward the ground. She saw Morn and Lien being attacked and Claqu coming straight towards her. She heard Airn squeal in freight to her right, and then threw all of her weight to that side.

She flipped, and could now see the approaching ground. It was terrifying! Just knowing you were going to die, and could do absolutely nothing about it. Sorsa grabbed Airn in a bear hug. Sorsa?, she heard in the back of her mind.

The tree tops were just barely out of reach, and were coming closer. So, she thought, all this time being chased and narrowly escaping only to die or get captured again. I wish I could get out of this some how, or even better, I wish I could fly.

The trees were inches away, and Claqu was almost close enough to touch. Sorsa closed her eyes, and tightened her grip around Airn. At least they wouldn’t be chased anymore if they fell to their doom. Airn closed his eyes, and leaned his head on her collar bone. Together they fell, accepting defeat. Sorsa prepared for the pain of impact.

It never came. Sorsa waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing. No agonizing pain, no yelping of Airn. Only the pain from her burned leg. She was, however, losing energy fast.

Sliver by sliver, she opened her eyes. But the problem was, she couldn’t believe her eyes! Sorsa appeared to be floating in mid air! Airn had also appeared to have grown into another size up. She let him go, and somehow he was flying to. He flapped his wings and roared in triumph. 

Sorsa turned towards where Morn and Lien were, only to find Claqu directly behind her looking dumbfounded. Well, she thought, it looks like he still can be surprised. Knowing that his this shocked Claqu wouldn’t last long, she wanted to leave ASAP.

A small voice that she now recognized as Airn’s inside her head yelled, Up! Up!, in excitement. Up, she thought in agreement. She immediately shot upward, leaving Claqu behind. When she finally got to Morn and Lien, they had defeated the magicians who were now losing control of their flight spells. 

“Ready to leave Morn?”

“Sorsa! You’re flying!?”

“Yay, can we leave. Please?”

“Most definitely.”

With that the four took off to the east out of that section of the forest. Claqu slowly lowered to the ground, still trying to comprehend what he just saw.  

A.N.- Sorry it took so long to update. I haven't been able to use the computer lately to type my story. I hope you enjoy this chapter and it's excitement.:D;D

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