A New Direction

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They had been walking for days. Stopping at night, and starting early the next morning. Airn had grown to the size of a full grown horse. Now that he was big enough to ride, Sorsa needed to learn to ride him as soon as they got past the Valer Mountains. Since she couldn’t fly on Airn yet, they had to walk on foot. This made it nearly 10 times longer to get where they needed.

Through the days they’d been traveling, Morn still couldn’t believe that Sorsa was still angry with him. She claimed that she wasn’t, but he could tell she was. She had stopped speaking to him, unless absolutely necessary. Sorsa spoke to Lien more! She dept avoiding eye contact. He could also tell she didn’t truly trust him. 

He had no idea why she stayed around anymore. He had not begun training her yet. They needed to trust each other. If Sorsa couldn’t trust him, then there was no way he could train her. She would second guess everything he tried to teach her.

While these thoughts were going through Morn’s head, they were nearing Valer Passs to get over the mountains. It was the only point one could pass through. Otherwise you had to walk all the way through the country and around to the end in what the locals called the “The Beasts Arena.” even when you did make it to the pass, it was such a steep climb that once a person stated climbing thy couldn’t stop until they reached the top; because they would die a very agonizing death of falling a few thousand yards. Other than that they had to be an elf or be able to ride a dragon, or fly. Morn figured that this would be the perfect time to teach Sorsa how to ride Airn.

Sorsa was walking just in front of Morn. Lien and Airn were bringing up the rear as hawks. Lien was giving the days shape-shifting lesson to Airn. The animals that they were focusing on were birds on account on the similar wing anatomy.

Morn could see the wide clearing before the pass just a head. Sorsa got to the last line of the trees, and stopped in her tracks. Morn almost ran into her. “What is it?” he asked.

Sorsa whispered, “Look,” and pointed. Morn looked through the tree line and shock crossed his face. In front of the pass was a set of metal gates, guarded heavily be Imperial soldiers. A group of 10 soldiers arrived, beaten and tired looking. The worst part was the in front of them and dismounting his black horse was Claqu. A guard took his horse to a nearby stable, and Claqu marched to the Imperial captain for a full report.

Tell Airn we’re going to the back track to the last camp site, Morn told Sorsa through a mind message. She nodded, all the color had drained form her face and her eyes were bloodshot.

Sorsa and Morn walked back to way they came as quietly as possible. They got back to the campsite a few hours after noon. Airn and Lien were there waiting for them. “How did they possibly get there before us?” Sosa asked, still pale and a little panicky.

“Well, they were on horse back. They probably pushed the horses as fast as they could go, without any breaks. My question is, how they knew we were going there. Last I checked those gates weren’t up,” Morn replied. He was now pacing the clearing, deep in thought.

“I don’t know, I just know we need to go another way and get a head start.”

“We’ll have to go the long way. That’s dangerous, and Sorsa, we’re going to have to start trusting each other.”

“I never said I didn’t trust you. I just don’t enjoy being jumped on out of the blue with nothing but a stick to defend myself with. I trust you, but you have to be perfectly honest with me and then I’ll be perfectly honest you.”


“So what’s the plan?”

“We’ll go through Dranant to refill the supplies. Then we’ll cut a straight line across the Almor River. We’ll go through Glades, and in the Beasts Arena from there. If we go at the fastest speed possible, then we should be there in a few months.”

“Sounds like a plan. So, to Dranant?”

“Yep. This way.” And with that, the group started off in the southwest direction.

A.N. Another short, boring chapter. I know, I know. These next few chapters will be fillers to show how everyone gets from point A to point B as teleportation doesn't exist. But as I always say "You have to get through the awful, boring, miserable to get to the awesome, amazing, fantastic!" READ, FOLLOW, VOTE, COMMENT!

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