Answers for the Day

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Okay, because NO ONE  obviously reads my author's notes at the bottom, I decided to put them at the top. Just a short message from me. I have been begging for people to comment on this and my other books for a while now, and basically only the same 3 people have. So, out of annoyance, I DARE YOU TO COMMENT RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND!!!!! I know that more than 3 people are reading this book because that would be completely improbable with the number of reads that this book has. And this isn't any old darn either, THIS IS A TRIPLE- DOG DARE THAT I WILL HOLD EVERYONE TO!!! So, COMMENT ON WHAT YOU THINK OF THIS BOOK,  vote, etc. (you know the drill). Have fun reading.;D

They landed near the country boarder due east of the Clear Lake. The clearing was very small, but it was surrounded by more trees than all the other clearings. The trees provided a wall of greenery that you couldn’t see through; half because Morn did this on purpose and made a type of dome around them. Despite having almost plummeting into Clear Lake and almost crash landing a few times, they made it to the clearing in one piece. Everyone was tired, and food was making their mouths water. Lien had gone hunting again, bringing them back a small buck. She then took Airn into the forest to teach him how to catch his own food. 

Sorsa and Morn new sat in front of the fire watching the food cook. They both had lines and black circles under their eyes. Neither spoke because of tiredness and they were both thinking about how the day had gone. 

“You know,” Morn said suddenly breaking the silence, “I never expected that. I never thought that you would be able to use magic so soon; let alone such a powerful spell.”

“Honestly, I didn’t expect it either.” 

“How did you do it? I mean... fly so easily?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t want to die, but I did not want to be Claqu’s prisoner. I saw him flying towards me, and I thought how much easier it would be to just fly away and not have to make the choice between death and slavery. I thought about flying, closed my eyes, and then I never hit the ground. Once I realized that I was floating, I thought up, down, left, right; and that’s how I moved.”

“That’s....... Amazing!!! I’ve heard of stories where magicians and sorcerers were able to accomplish great feats of magic with a strong emotion. It seems that you had VERY strong feeling about the situation, and that’s why you flew. Although, now that you have used magic, I’ll have to start teaching you the basics immediately. You and your dragon are going to have start being together more while you learn as well. Can he talk yet?”

“Airn can talk. In fact, that’s what I want to do when he gets back.”

“Airn? That’s different.”

“It fits him though.”

“Well, that it does. Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat, then get some rest.”



“Why is it so tiring to use magic?”

“Well, everything takes energy. Magic always comes with a price, like everything else. It takes as much energy to do magic with a task as it does to do it manually without any help. So, the more complicated the spell, the more energy. You flying...I’m surprised you weren’t knocked out or consumed.”


“Well if you don’t have enough energy to do the spell, then you die because it takes all your... everything.”

“That’s..... nice.”

 “No more talk of this ‘til tomorrow, Ok?”


Now, LET’S EAT!”

A.N. Yay, I know what you're thinking. Short boring chapter. Well, it's a filler, so bear with me here. You other writers know how it is... right? You're also thinking, more author's notes, really? Well, I couldn't put this at the top because then you wouldn't read the chapter! ;)   

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