Movement and Imagination

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Sorsa looked up just to see the bolder block the path of some arrows chasing them. She still wasn’t used to hasty landings, her legs ached from the jarring of the landing. Sorsa knew she had to take out the archers, but in all honesty, she only a faint idea of how to. Okay, so how do we find the dark archers Dragon Hunting Master?

Why did you call me that?

Well, you’re a dragon and you hunt and... that’s not important right now! How do we find them?

I do have a strategy that I figured out while hunting, but it will require you to use magic. Want to try, or do you want to walk and hope you run into one of them?

I don’t have very much control over magic yet, but I’ll try it.

Alright. We control air, so we can sense the movement of air. When something breathes, it moves air by taking it in and out...

Airn hurry!

Fine. Close your eyes and listen, then imagine what you see.

This is supposed to work!?!

Just trust me!

Sorsa closed her eyes, and listened. She heard beating wings, whistling sounds, birds, a river. She tried to imagine them and came out with the most ridiculous looking sketch she had ever seen in her life. This isn’t working!

Listen harder!!!

She erased the image she’d created and closed off her other senses except her ears. What she saw was nothing but blackness. She heard a wind rush by and because she was trying to find the archers through air movement, focused on that. All other sounds cleared out, leaving nothing but the whistling of the wind. 

Whispers, she heard whispers and a sound of something flying through the air. The blackness in her vision slowly faded into a white expanse, slowly gaining gray detail. The gray soon took shape, and she recognized it as the forest she was in! Trees and animals were a gray, but she needed archers. With that thought she rushed through the forest at the speed of the wind. She rushed until she saw a black figure, like a shadow of a man. He had no details, just a black figure of a man. He grabbed what looked like an arrow from his back, held the bow straight up in the air, and aimed for the sky. He let it loose, and it went flying; Sorsa followed it up in the wind path it made. When she was high enough she saw a shadow of a dragon with its rider being chased by a black cloud. This made her sad and angry, but she had work to do. 

Sorsa looked down and saw about 7 black dots where the arrows came from. Each dot was evenly spaced and in an almost perfect circle. She went back to the ground, and Sorsa opened her eyes. This was planned by someone who had a perfect view form the air, she explained mainly to herself. She also had a pretty good idea who had set this up.

I know where they are, Sorsa said turning to Airn, who was no longer their. Airn!

Good, go get them.

What are you doing!?!

We have to spit up or else Morn and Lien won’t be able to out run them all! It’s faster this way!

We have to stick together!

No. Go now and be careful. 

Airn refused to talk to her after that. Sorsa ran to the nearest archer she had seen, knowing exactly where she was after the whole “imagination-flight” thing. She caught sight of the archer and hid behind a tree as he fished another arrow from the quiver on his back.

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