First Flight

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“Come on Sorsa! Just get on Airn already!”

I promise I won’t drop you.

It really is fun, Lien stated.

“Thanks Morn, Lien, Airn, but I am quite happy over here.... away from the edge of the cliff.”

Morn was in Lien’s saddle on the edge of a cliff waiting to take off. Airn was directly beside them excited that he was finally going to take Sorsa flying. Sorsa on the other hand, was not. She was about 30 feet behind them, frozen in her tracks. She had a strong fear of heights, and the fact that they were near a cliff did not help.

“Sorsa, this a relatively small cliff. It’s only a 400 foot drop. That’s nothing!” 

“Only a 400 foot drop that can kill me very slowly and painfully!!”

The fall won’t kill you because I swear I won’t drop you! Trust me! Airn told her. 

Airn, It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s the height!

Why are you so scared of heights anyway Sorsa? Lien asked.

Sorsa had a flashback. She was 5, and was in the emperor’s castle. Being bored, she climbed to the highest tower. It was really high. The view was beautiful; this was one of her favorite places in the castle. A wind was blowing heavily. She walked closer to the edge to get a better look. As she got the edge, her favorite bow was blown from her hair over the side. She reached for it, and slipped as a heavy gust of wind hit her from behind. She screamed as she tumbled toward the ground at an astonishing rate. She was nearing the ground, when Claqu cast his flying spell and caught her in mid fall. “I’ve got you,” Claqu told her as she began to cry uncontrollably. 

Sorsa shook herself out of it. No reason, she replied to Lien’s question. 

Don’t lie. I saw that memory, Airn told her.

Well of course you saw it, my mind is linked with yours!

“Look, Sorsa, we can’t wait any longer. Either you can come now, or you can stay here by yourself for about 3 hours. Your choice.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” 

Lien took off, flew a few yards out, and then circled back around. “Wouldn’t I?” replied Morn. Sorsa knew he was serious. Against all logic, and her muscles locking with every step, she mounted Airn; sliding into the saddle. (Somehow a new saddle for him had “magically” appeared that morning.) With Sorsa safely in the saddle, Airn unfurled his wings and stepped closer to the edge. Sorsa closed her eyes, and hugged Airn’s neck. He jumped form the cliff, and Sorsa held her breath. 

She could feel the wind through her hair and it flowing against her skin, but no falling. Sorsa slowly opened her eyes. This was the official best view she’d ever seen. She felt as if she could see the whole world form up here. Not only that, Morn was right, it was fun. Sorsa sat up and smiled. This was the best-greatest-most-amazing-feeling of her entire life! “Whoooooooooooooooooooo-hoooooooooooooooooooo!” she yelled.

That’s the spirit, Morn told her through telepathy. 

Airn looked back at her. See, I told you I wouldn’t drop you. It’s the best feeling isn’t it, flying?  

You can bet your life on it.


The mood around the campfire was extremely cheerful that night. They had traveled a long way in the day. Morn and Lien were happy that their first lesson had gone so well. Airn and Sorsa were happy they could finally fly together, without magic. The group was camping on another cliff, but his one was a longer drop to the ground. Sorsa was farthest from the edge on the far side of the fire, having not completely lost her fear of heights. It would take a while, but she would hopefully overcome her phobia. 

Will you come fly with me early tomorrow morning? asked Airn suddenly. 

I don’t know. I’ve only ridden once, and I don’t know if I should fly without Morn giving me some tips, Sorsa replied.

Please Sorsa, I just want to show you something.

Maybe, maybe not.

Airn turned into a small white puppy with large eyes, paws, and a head far too big for its body. He laid his head on Sorsa’s leg, and began to whine pathetically. He turned on his cutest eyes possible. He was begging, and it was as if he was an actual dog! Is this the new form you’ve been working on with Lien? Sorsa asked. He just kept begging. Wow, you must be desperate!

Having noticed the extremely cute, begging puppy dog, Morn asked, “Now what’s going 

on over there?”

“Airn wants to go for an early flight in the morning, alone.”

“We don’t care. We just teach you to fly, we don’t regulate it. Go for a flight and say rendezvous back here by noon. Sound okay to you.” 

Sorsa nodded. Alright Airn, I’ll go. The small puppy barked happily and wagged his tail. You know, I can’t resist a cute puppy. The dog barked again. Everyone laughed like madmen until their sides were sore. 

A.N. I hope this was a good chapter. It was supposed to be "feel-good" chapter. Just a warning, the next chapter will be VERY long. It was long to begin with, but with the details............ I hope that day really feel like reading. The next chapter is insanely important though, so KEEP READING! READ, VOTE, LIKE, COMMENT, FOLLOW! Thanks!!!!!!!!! :D

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