Sneak Attack

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Sorsa and Airn were sitting in the clearing from the night before. Sorsa still felt tired, but was as good as new. Airn was showing her memories from when he had gone hunting with Lien. Apparently they could do that. Sorsa had learned this secret last night when she had seen herself pouncing on a white rabbit. Morn had explained that she was seeing through Airn’s eyes and memories.

Morn and Lien had left a few hours ago on patrol. He had left Sorsa with nothing except a stick. It was about as heavy and long as a normal sword, but it was thinner and rounder. Morn had told Sorsa that it might come in hand. WHAT?! Sorsa had thought. As of yet, she still didn’t understand.

What could that stick possibly be for? It was a stick. A plain brown, wooded stick of absolutely no worth to her. Sure, she could bop someone on the head with it, but what else could A STICK possibly do. Morn couldn’t have left the dagger he’d bought from her or his sword or even a butter knife, he had to leave her with nothing but a stick. Well, since she couldn’t find any good reason to use the stick, Sorsa was spending some quality time with Airn. He was now the size of a large pony. He could also speak in very small sentences, with common words.

They sat side by side with Airn practically leaning full weight against Sorsa. They were both seeing themselves stalking a ground squirrel. Lien was beside them, sending small tips on how to be faster, lower, and out of sight.

Sorsa’s attention was veering away from the memory. She felt the tingling sensation of eyes prying at her soul. Her eyes slowly circled the clearing, taking in any movement and position of the vegetation. The threat was behind her. She sent Airn a fast word of warning. The memory stopped, but they both sat just as they had before as to not give away their element of surprise.

Sorsa picked up the stick Morn had left her, and hid it from view in front of her. She had it ready to swing at the enemy should he/she/it attack. At this point, Sorsa thought, I would have preferred it if Morn had left the sword instead. The stick had to be good for something... right? Airn’s muscles tensed, and were ready to pounce the moment he released. 

Out of the very corner of her eye, Sorsa saw a figure sneaking towards their backs. It was armed with a club or a sword. It was wearing a black cloak with a hood covering it’s face. Sorsa sent Airn an image of the figure, he bared his teeth almost growling. 

The black figure was very close now. Its weapon began to raise into a strike position. It was a foot directly behind them. The figure’s weapon fell directly over Sorsa’s head.  Sorsa’s grip tightened on the stick. She spun herself around and blocked the strike from the figure. Their weapons locked, and they started pushing against each other for leverage.  

Airn let his muscles loose, and pounced on the figure; knocking him flat on his back. He threw Airn off of him. Airn hit a tree with such force that he was knocked out. 

Sorsa jumped to her feet and ran towards the figure, her stick ready to attack. Why did it have to be a stick! The figure launched himself to his feet and ran towards her at full speed. Their weapons clashed, forcing them to bounce each other. They rushed towards each other again. Sorsa jumped, stick raised and dress hair flying behind her. Man, I sure hope the stick survives this!

Her stick was blocked by the figure’s weapon. She landed and pared the figure’s blows. Well, what do you know, the stick actually survived! They blocked, slashed, and lunged at each other, each other; each time without success on either side. They finally got into another “sword” lock. They pushed against each other.

The figure had more strength, and was beginning to win. Sorsa noticed that this enemy’s weapon was also a stick! What the! Seeing she was distracted, the enemy forced her stick to the ground and stepped on it. Amazingly the stick did not break! The black figure kicked Sorsa to the ground. He stepped towards her. Thinking quickly, Sorsa swung her legs around with all her force. Enjoy your trip! She caught his ankle sending him to the ground with a bang.

As he was falling, Sorsa grabbed his wrist and twisted the stick from his hand. He landed on his back. Sosa placed her foot on his chest and put all her weight on the foot. She raised the stick like a club, narrowed her eyes, and exclaimed, “What the heck Morn!!!?”

Morn took the hood off, and smiled. “You did a lot better than I thought you were going to do,” he gasped through Sorsa’s foot on his chest, “even with me going easy on you.”

Sorsa go off of Morn and stared at him with the dagger eyes. “What was that about?!” she accused, “You attacked me and Airn! You were supposed to be out on patrol with Lien! Where is Lien anyway!?”

“I finished patrol,” replied Morn. He had picked himself off the ground and was brushing himself off. A small blue bird, that had been watching the whole time, landed in the clearing. It immediately transformed into a large green dragon. “Lien’s right over there. I’m sorry Sorsa, but I had to test your skills in order to know where to start on your training.”

“You could have gone about it a different way you know!”

“One thing you need to understand is that if I had told you I was going to do this, then you wouldn’t have fought as hard as you did. You also wouldn’t have shown me what you already know. You would’ve gone easy because you know I will not hurt you... badly. Understand now?”

Airn shook himself, sore from the impact from the tree he hit, then walked slowly to Sorsa. “Sure,” she replied very sarcastically. With that she and Airn stormed into the forest to cool down and think.  

A.N. This is a chapter to make up for the short boring one before this one. So, enjoy reading it. I hope you enjoy the stick parts. COMMENT, VOTE, AND READ SOME MORE. ;) 

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