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Back to your POV

After hours of panic attacks, I decided to call Josh and just vent to him. Josh was a very understanding type. He could read me better than he could with any book. With one look, he would know what's wrong with me.

I pulled up Skype and saw Josh was online, so I called him.

"Hey y/n/n, oh, what's wrong?"

Called it.

I held up the letter to the screen so he could read it.

"So, you don't want to go back to highschool because?"

"Dan! I cannot see him again, Josh!" I started hyperventilating.

"Baby, baby, calm down." Josh said in a  shushed tone through the computer.

I took a deep breath and calmed down a bit more, "Okay, what do I do?"

"You gotta be the best fucking woman you can, you gotta slay queen!"

I giggled, "You're right. I need to show him that he has not affected me in any shape or form. I need to show him that I am a strong, independent woman who don't need no man!"

Josh raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"I mean except you. Obviously." I laughed.

Josh chuckled, "Okay, I'll let you go. I'll be home by 7 tomorrow, then we can go shopping or something."

"Okay, I love you."

"Love you too."

I closed my laptop shut and fell backwards on my bed.

Okay, I need a game plan.

a) ignore him the whole night, and give him death glares everytime i see him

b) be socially awkward and just wing it

c) be flirty with Josh so he gets jealous

C, C totally.

A/N: OKAY IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT! Anyways, thank you for all the positive feedback of both books on here. So I promise I will try to get the next update out as soon as possible. And the next chapter will be the actual reunion where alas, Dan and Y/N will be reunited after 5 years. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a fantabulous day! Chow!

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