Two Bodies Intertwined

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Third Person POV

The bright sun of London was creeping through the curtains of Y/N's room. Spring was making its way into the lives of many, greeting them with bright coloured flowers and sweet smells of fresh fruit. Daniel was propped upon an arm, gazing lovingly upon Y/N. Her hair slightly teased and messy, droplets of sweat forming on her pale face, due to the actvities of the night before. Silently, he admired the beauty lying next to him. He felt triumphant, knowing the breathtaking creature was once again his. He was the one who would take care of her when she was hurt, the one who would hold her tight in restless nights, the one who would join her in the adventure of life.

Y/N on the other hand, was conflicted, yes she loved Daniel more than words could express. But was she too late? Or will history repeat itself before either of them know it? She thought, possibly it wasn't too late, they both love each other, and the love they shared brought them back together. History will not repeat itself for Daniel and Y/N, instead they will create new memories , hand in hand, good and bad. If history has taught them anything, they should embrace each other and hold another tight like there is no morning to wake up to. These thoughts soothed Y/N, as she laid next to her love, soulmate perhaps, and just enjoyed the love.

The two bodies of Daniel of Y/N were intertwined in the bed they now share, not regretting a thing.

Daniel's POV
Two hours later

My eyes opened from my small nap, I turned over to see my love was not lying beside me. I glanced to see our clothes from the night before were in the same place, scattered all over the floor. But I noticed, my white collared shirt I wore under my blazer last night, was mysteriously missing.  Curiosity took over, I threw on a plain black tee and some shorts, and started to search the house.

Waking out into the kitchen, I saw Y/N wearing the shirt, stirring some food, eggs most likely. My long arms snaked around her hips as my head rested upon her shoulder.

"Well someone's chipper this morning?" Y/N smirked as she continued stirring the eggs.

"Of course I am! I'm with the most gorgeous woman to face this Earth, and for reasons I don't know, she decided to be with me."

"Awe, Dan, you're gonna make me cry", she said with a smile.

I gave her a peck on cheek and went back to my room to get ready for the day.

Switch to Y/N's POV

I placed down two plates full of an arrangement of colourful foods, and waited patiently for Dan to join me. He came out right as my patience was slowly fading away.

He sat in front of me, wearing black skinnies, a plain black tee, and a leather jacket that made him even more attractive, if that's even possible. I sat across from him, feeling almost underdressed, since I was literally only wearing a white collared shirt that didn't provide much coverage.

We ate in silence, Dan occasionally looking at me with a smirk upon his face, but soon fading whenever I caught him staring at me.

I had finally had enough, "Okay, what is it? There something on my face or something?" I asked sternly, slamming my fork on the table.

Dan looked at me with that same smirk, only bigger, "Oh it's really nothing".

"Well it's something if you're looking at me every five seconds."

"What? A guy can't just enjoy the beauty in front of him".

I could see Dan was playing a game with me. He didn't speak sincerely, he spoke in a tone full of passion, lust, need. It only made the sexual tension between us even more unbearable for me.

Well if it was a game he wanted to play, game on.

A/N : Hey peeps! Oh what's that smell? Do I smell some smutty scenes on the horizon? Well besides the point, summer is only two days away for me, but honestly I'm kinda sad. I mean for 3 months I literally do nothing and I don't get to see half of my friends, but anyways, that over. I have more updates on the way! I hope you all have a fantabulous day! Chow!

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