Adored By Him

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A/N : Chapter inspired by "Adored By Him" by my queen, Dodie Clark

Two months later...

I hated seeing Dan and Aidan together. She is just so perfect, great personality, beautiful, and Dan loves her. The thing is, I couldn't bring myself to hate her. I wanted to hate her so bad, more than anything, but I just couldn't. Hating Aidan would be nearly impossible. She's just so, so perfect.

Phil tried to convince me within the first month of their relationship, that it was Dan's way of trying to get me jealous and she was just some made up thing in Dan's head. But when Dan brought her home the first time, I knew they were indeed in love.

I wanted to be her more than anything. To lay in Dan's arms every night. To kiss his soft, plump lips. To know that he loves me. To be adored by him.

Phil walked into my room, and sighed, "Aidan's over. " I frowned.

I stood up and started walking out the door, but Phil stopped me, "Look I know how you feel about her, but just try to be nice to her. Do it for Dan, okay?"

"Okay", I agreed. Phil pulled me into his warm embrace, "I love you little sis."

"I love you too Philly."

We walked out the door to see Aidan and Dan sitting on the couch, chatting away.

Aidan stood up, "Y/N! I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been?" She smiled and pulled me into a friendly hug.

I plastered a smile, " You know, same old same old. How's your job as a?"

"Teacher. And it's going great! You should come in some time and help the kids! I've showed them some of your videos and they love you!" She smiled down at Dan.

"I would love that!" I said, a bit exaggerated.

"That's, uh, great and all, but aren't we all going to dinner in thirty minutes?" Aidan said, sitting back down.

"Dinner?" Phil asked.

"Oh, silly me! I got us all reservations to NeverLand tonight! I know how much you guys love Peter Pan, so I got us reservations there. And Y/N and Phil can bring dates!" Aidan said smiling at Dan.

Phil ran off to call Emily, while I hid in my room.

Who the hell is gonna be my date? Think Y/N, think! Who's a guy who Dan's always hated, so he can be jealous that is basically in love with me? Oh! I know exactly who!

I ran to grab my phone and called him immediately.

Dan's POV

Me and Aidan were sitting in the living room, waiting for Phil and Y/N to come out.

She leaned in, "Dan, I don't think your plan is working, Y/N isn't telling me anything about her feelings and she isn't showing any interest. I think we should tell her our plan."

"But, what if it's working? Have you seen how miserable she is?" I smiled.

Aidan smirked at me, "I think you said that a bit too happily."

"Well you know what I mean!" I chuckled.

"Okay, I'll try harder." She winked.

As if right on cue, Phil walked out with a slumped over Y/N. Aidan jumped out of her seat and started chatting with Y/N. I could see the fake smile Y/N was wearing. Maybe Aidan was right, I hated seeing my Y/N so miserable, maybe I should tell her our plan.

I quit daydreaming and started listening to what they were talking about. "Oh silly me! I got us all reservations to NeverLand tonight! I know how much you guys love Peter Pan, so I got us reservations there! And Phil and Y/N can bring dates!" Aidan smiled back at me. Our plan was in motion.

Y/N and Phil walked back to their rooms, to get dates, well at least Phil was.

"I think it's working Dan! She is so in love with you!" Aidan smiled.

"I hope so! Now to really convince her, we need to try to playfully flirt as much as we can, got it?" Aidan nodded in response.

Y/N walked out with a big smirk on her face, with Phil following behind her, his face plastered to his phone.

"What's so funny, Y/N/N?" I asked curiously.

"Oh nothing, just Brendon's joining us for dinner." She smirked as she left me and Aidan with our jaws dropped to the floor.

A/N : Hey peeps! Whoop! Two updates in a day! So I wanna say thank you so much, I've been getting so many kind words and even this for writing from you guys and it honestly means the world to me!

Question Time!

Do you think Dan and Aidan's plan is gonna work or is Y/N gonna move on to Brendon?

Leave a comment!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a fantabulous day! Chow!

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