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After a long night of clubbing in celebration of Phil and Emily's engagement, me and Dan finally decided to go home and relax. I finally think I'm done teasing him, sure it was nice to see him all hot and bothered, but now with everything moving so fast I felt we should be focusing on our relationship rather than our sex life.

We both threw off our shoes and just started to unwind. He went to the living room and put on a movie, while I went to our room to undress.

Just in my bra and panties, I stood in front of my closet looking for a night gown to wear.

"Need any help?" Dan smirked from the doorway.

"Yeah, what should I wear?" I smiled.

He smirked and walked towards me, rubbing my bare shoulder with one hand, the other resting on my hip, his lips traveling from behind my ear travelling to my collar bone.

"What about, nothing", he smirked, continue to kiss me.

"Dannn", I giggled, trying to push him off of me.

"Come on, it's not like I haven't noticed. The outfits", he hand went lower, "The sexts", lower. "The flirting", too low, Lester! Too low!

Think, Y/N, think, gain some control.

"Oh? Well since I've been such a bad girl, why don't i treat you, daddy." I smirked.

His face went blank, "God, you tease", he said before pushing me onto the bed and covering me with his love.

"Oh Dan!"


The next month

I jumped out of bed, almost ready to lose my dinner. I hunched over the toilet, holding my hair back the best o can. Not long after, Dan sat behind me, holding my hair and rubbing my back soothingly.

Finished, I stood up and walked back to bed, but Dan stopped me.

"Baby, you okay? This have been going on for a while now. You should see a doctor." He said.

"I'll go after work today, don't worry, probably some bug. Now get some sleep, I need to get ready." I said soothingly, trying to calm him down.

"Okay, have a good day", he yawned.

"Night, Danny", I kissed his forehead.


"Well Ms. Lester, everything seems to be normal with you. Nothing dangerous going on, but you are four weeks pregnant, so that would explain the morning sickness. Anyways, here are your-"

"Wait excuse me, did you say pregnant?"

"Yep, four weeks. Anyways here are your test results, and your next appointment. Congratulations!" She said without saying a word, leaving me speechless and terrified.

Pregnant! I'm only 23 years old! Dan works online for Christ's Sake! That won't be able to take care of a baby! And I'm a receptionist for BBC, which is good enough, but what if he walks out. I can't do it alone! And I would just be a burden to Em and Phil if I had to move in. Oh shut it Y/N, just tell him and get the humiliation over with. Plus you're responsible enough to raise a baby! What can go wrong?

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