The Reunion

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Dan's POV

I walked back into my old school, greeted with very fimilar faces, giving them an occasional smile and wave. It was all very nerveracking, being in the same building as Y/N and Josh. Luckily I haven't seen them yet, but I knew I was going to have to.

I walked in the gym, looking at all the decorations. There were fairy lights all around the room, streamers just like the ones at prom, balloons floating all around the room. It was all beautiful. But one decoration caught my eye, the pictures on the walls.

They were all of us students when we were younger. Some with me and my old group of friends, Phil, Chris, P.J., and my little brother Adrian. There were also some of me, Shane, Dodie, Emma, Tyler, and Kyle, all smiling in a group, just being ourselves without a care in the world.

And then there were the ones that broke my heart.

The ones with her.

The ones where she was cuddled up in my arms, smiling up at me.

The ones where she was poking my dimple and we were both laughing.

The ones where she was on my back, pretending we were young again.

The ones where she was mine.

"We really were cute, weren't we?"

My head flipped around to see Y/N, standing behind me. Her pearly e/c looking up at me, wearing a black dress that complemented her body perfectly. She was wearing a heartfelt smile.

"Yeah I guess we were?" I smiled.

For a moment, I felt happy, as if I was the one here with her, who would be dancing with her all night, hugging her when we looked back on memories, just being teenagers in love again.

"Where's Josh?" I asked, sadly.

She sighed, "Stuck in L.A., I really needed him here, especially since we're performing later."

"That dick," I mumbled.

"What Dan?"

"Nothing, so what are you gonna be doing?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Probably find our group,I think we're going out after this though. I really think you should come with me. It would be nice to catch up, you know?" She said as she flashed her beautiful smile up at me.

"I will then, also without Josh here, who else would be your bodyguard?" I joked.

"Well it's set! Now come with me to find Dodie and Shane, you spoon." She tugged at my arm, as she pulled me across the gym to our group. I was in my happy place for once.

We all were joking around, telling eachother stories, sharing old memories.

Then after a couple of minutes, Mr. Chavez, tapped on the mic a couple of times until he got everyone's attention.

"Welcome back you guys! So I have some awards to give out to y'all crazy kids."

The audience laughed in response.

Mr. Chavez gave the same awards like 'Funniest' or 'Most Likely To Succseed', all the normal crap.

"And finally the award for 'Cutest Couple'! The award goes to Dan Howell and Y/N Lester!"

I stood there in shock, after a few seconds of realization, I follow Y/N up to the stage to accept our award.

She stepped up to the mic and started, "I would like to thank the acadamy." She got the whole room to laugh at her sarcastic comment, "Okay, in all seriousness, I am just shocked more than two people here remember me. Me and Dan started as arch enemies, hating eachother from day one. Then as the years went on, under all that tough skin, was a truly beautiful man with a kind soul, with so much to offer to the world. Everytime I see his cute little face on my phone or laptop, there's so much regret. I regret the day we broke up so much. He is the one on my mind, 24/7. I would like to take this to apolgize to him." she turned to me, with glassy eyes, "Dan, I love you, and I always will. I Love You So Much, Howell."

We were both tearing up, I pulled her in for a hug. As we pulled away, she stood on her tip-toes and planted a small but loving kiss upon my chapped lips.

You Loved Me Too Much Howell Where stories live. Discover now