The News

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Group Chat-
Emily, Phil

Y/N⚰ - Guys....

Em😍 - Yeah? Is everything alright? DID DAN BREAK UP WITH YOU? I AM GONNA KILL HIM! I SWEAR TO GOD!

Philly🦁 - Babe, you're spiralling

Em😍 - Sorry, what is it, Y/N/N?

Y/N - I'm pregnant. Just thought you all should know.

I shut off my phone, ignoring the notifications practically flooding my phone. That was easy part, I knew them two would be there for me no matter what. The hard part was telling Dan. He was never good with big news, who knows how he will react to a baby.

You know those movies where about the single mother because the father was too scared for such a big responsibility? But they bump into each other when the baby is now a child and wind up falling in love and raise the family they've dreamed of together. What if that happens to me just without the happy ending?

What if I just didn't tell him? What if I just ran away without telling anyone, to start a new life. No, that would be impossible. Just tell him and get it over with already! It can't get any worse.

Time Skip Yeet


had the perfect plan, I would just sit him down, talk to him, and I have two choices. If he walks out, pack up and move to Liverpool to start over, but if he is happy and wants to be in our child's life, I find a better job online so I can be a stay at home mum.

Dan was on his way home from a trip to visit his parents and Adrian. Any minute he would be here, so I lit a candle, put on some music, and waited for Dan.

"Hey sweetie! What's this for?" He said, dropping his keys off on the counter.

"Uh, Daniel, you should sit", I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Okay, is everything alright, darling?"

"I'm pregnant", I said, eyes glued to his, trying to make out an expression.

"That's, uh, good, I guess. Is it mine?" He mumbled.

"Yes Daniel! Who's else would it be?" I laughed.

"Yeah, you're right, I'm just a little-"

"Unprepared, I get it." I smiled, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah, um, I gotta go. Congratulations." He said, grabbing his keys, leaving me teary eyed and confused.

Once again he left me, but this time it wasn't in a parking lot, and I still had options. No, he left me in our apartment, with no where else to go.

I placed a hand on my tummy, running it softly, "Well, it's just you and me now", I whispered, walking to my room to pack.

A/N: Hey peeps! What's up? I've missed y'all so much! So what do you think about this chapter. Did you agree with Y/N's descion or do you think she should have waited and talked to Dan later? Leave a comment! Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and have a fantabulous day! Chou!

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