The Ending of a Beginning

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Third Peron's POV
A month later

"Finally", Y/N huffed, "That's the last box baby", she spoke softly to her baby bump.

It's been a month since Y/N had left. Sure, it's hard, but she had a great job in marketing, and Y/N and her baby have a great flat over looking downtown Liverpool. Sure it's no London view, but hey, it's something.

She didn't get a single call or visit from Dan, which no one was not surprised. But Phil convinced her to mail him the ultrasound dates and write him to let him know how things are over here.

"Better show granny our new place", she rubbed her tummy. Y/N pulled out her phone and took some pictures for her mum and Phil. They both have been freaking out thinking about her living by herself.

She started in the living room, which was just a basic white couch and some throw pillows, but she knows everything needs something to make it pop, or stand out. So in the bare corner, which was once greeted with cobwebs and dead insects, rests a hammock, complemented with a small teddy she hoped her and her child would cuddle on rainy days together.

Next was the kitchen, pretty basic for a flat. She used some of her money she was supposed to use for wedding to really make this small flat feel like home. So the appliances were all new and she bought cute plates and utensils for her baby.

The study and guest bathroom was basic, not really much to see. But the nursery was like a tiny little wonderland in her own flat. Completely Disney inspired of course, the walls plastered with her and Dan's favorite characters. There was no furniture, since she was unsure of the gender or even how many children would live with her potentially.

Her room and washroom was the final touch. A little escape to the chaos swirling around her. It looked like every tumblr post she ever looked at, just threw up in her room. Wow, bad description Narrator. Moving on. It was mainly blacks, whites, and greys, which gave a really cozy feel to it. The washroom matched of course.

After sending the pictures to her loved ones, to let them know she was okay, she sat down with the baby, still in her of course. That would be weird if the baby was like unborn one minute but popped out like "Hey bitches!". Sorry off topic.

She put on some classical music and lay down, putting all her worries behind her as she went away into a deep sleep.


Meanwhile in London, Dan was currently living with Phil. He couldn't stay in a home that was a constant reminder of his lover and child that disappeared before his eyes.

The letters that Y/N wrote to him, he was completely unaware about. The phone calls were also invisible to him, since he spent most of his days lying in bed, depressed and alone.

There was a small knock on the door, and Phil came in, "Hey Dan, Y/N texted us pictures of her flat, wanna see?"

Usually Dan would roll over and ignore Phil, but he was willing to keep any sort of connection to Y/N. So, he shot up out of bed and ran to Phil, snatching the phone to see the pictures.

Pictures below:

Living Room:

Living Room:

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Kitchen :

Y/N's room:

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Y/N's room:

Baby's Room:

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Baby's Room:

Dan started to tear up when he saw the nursery

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Dan started to tear up when he saw the nursery. Oh how he wanted to be there, beside her, instead of looking at some dumb text message. He kept scrolling to see if there was anything else, and there was. A picture of Y/N's baby bump.

That's when he let it all out

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That's when he let it all out. Phil, rubbed his elbow, putting his phone down to soothe his friend.

"I m-miss her so damn m-much", he sobbed.

"She does too, haven't you seen her calls? And she's sending letters to your old place", Phil said.

Dan wiped his eyes, "What?"

"I thought you knew. She wants you to come to her ultrasound tomorrow."

"Really? Well what's her address?"

"Here let me write it down", Phil scurried to get a paper, then wrote the address and gave it to Dan, "Go get her tiger."

That night Phil saw his eyes beam with something for the first time in months, hope.

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