"Date Night"

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I smoothed down my sequin shorts and slipped on my heals. Phil and I walked out of our rooms at the same time, twin instincts you could say. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up and I did the same. We laughed our way down the hallway.

There sitting was Dan, Aidan, Emily, and the very familiar and famous Brendon Urie.

He stood up with open arms, I ran to him and threw my arms around his neck, "I missed you Beebo!"

I locked my eyes with Dan to see pure anger and disgust in his eyes. Huh? Why is he doing that? Sure I am trying to make him jealous, but he has Aidan.  Weird.

"I missed you too, Squish." Brendon chuckled. Dan's head bolted up, when he heard my nickname for him, realizing it wasn't for him, he looked at Aidan and whispered something that wasn't audible to us.

Phil broke the very awkward silence, "Well, shall we?" He said as he held his arm out for Emily.

Brendon grabbed my hand, and we let the two other couples lead the way. He leaned in to my ear, "You remember the plan?"

"Duh. I came up with it." I whispered back.

"Okay, let's get your man." He laughed.


Once Dan checked us in the restaurant, we were all seated into a booth. Dan and Aidan were still secretly whispering to each other. I nudged at Brendon, signaling him to break the tension in the room.

"Well, I must say Y/N, you look absolutely breathtaking tonight." He said with a wink.

"As do you", I giggled back at him. Dan's face was now as red as a tomato. Our plan was dirty, but it was working.

"Well, Aidan looks absolutely gorgeous, I always love how olive looks on her." He said as he planted a kiss upon her neck. Now it was my turn for my face to be red.

"Sorry ladies, I am the best dressed here", Phil states, with a sassy hair flip. The table broke into laughter.

I cleared my throat, "Well Emily, tell us a bit about yourself, I would love to know about the girl Phil can't shut up about."

She let out a little giggle, " Well I am 23 years old, a nurse, and I currently live in Manchester."

"So those trips to Phil must be a bore, huh?" Dan joked.

"Yeah, but it's all worth it", She said as she put a hand on top of Phil's.

I almost felt dirty for pretending to be in a relationship with Brendon, I knew we were the only ones doing this. (Sure, Y/N, sure🐸☕)

Throughout the night, Brendon and I were still flirting with each other, as were Dan and Aidan. It was like a competition on which couple could be the horniest. Poor Emily and Phil, just trying to eat and talk about Pokémon in peace.

As we were walking back to our flat, until Dan pulled me aside.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I don't know what you mean, Dan." I said emotionless, trying to walk back to the rest of the group.

"Oh don't play dumb with me, Lester. I know your little lying ways to get what you want!" Dan exclaimed.

I titled my head, still confused.

"You didn't think I noticed, the flirting all night, complementing each other. Did you forget that Brendon was a total dick to you in highschool?"

"Oh, Dan. I am just enjoying my night with him, he's changed. It looks like your still the same. Playing your little game on Aidan like you did with me senior year!" I shot back.

He crossed his arms, "Oh? What's this 'game' I play?"

"Oh, you know exactly what I mean. Flirting until you get into her pants. You did it to me, and I was stupid enough to let you, but I am not letting that happen to someone as sweet as Aidan!" (Yes they had sex in highschool😂 #rubberupfordan)

"You think that's what I'm doing? You are so wrong, Lester!"

"Oh really? What are you trying to do with Aidan then?" I said, with my arms crossed.

"Trying to win you back!" Dan yelled, not realizing what he said.

"What Dan?"

"Shit." He mumbled, "W-We should head back. Forget I said that."

"No! I'm tired of pretending things never happened between us. Don't you see how miserable I am without you? I invited Brendon, to make you jealous so I can be yours again."

We stood there, as the grey London clouds began to drop small droplets of rain onto us. The drops getting bigger by the second until we were standing in pouring rain.

"I guess it worked", he mumbled.

"Wha-" I was cut off by Dan's plump lips being softly pressed onto mine, my arms around his neck, his grabbing my waist.

I pulled away, breathless. Dan pushed back his hair, as he kept eyeing me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I smirked.

"Oh how I missed your sarcasm", he said as he pulled me into another kiss, this time full of lust and passion rather than curiosity.

Let's just that night, Dan made me Howell.

A/N: Hey peeps! Look, I am sorry for that bad pun at the end, but I couldn't resist! I only have 7 more days of school left, so expect more updates! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a fantabulous day! Chow!

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