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A/N: I made that picture and I don't know why, but I am so happy about it! Anyways, onto the story!

Your POV

I sat next to Dan's frail form for what felt forever. I continued to sing to Dan, hoping to keep him asleep, his rest and wellbeing was my number one priority at the moment, so I was doing anything to keep asleep.

"Guess who got a girl's number?" Phil bursted through door breaking the calm and silence of the room.

"Phil! He's trying to sleep!" I lectured him.

"Oops,sorry! Well can I tell you about her?" Phil asked with puppy eyes.

"Fine, but keep it quiet, I don't want Dan to wake up."

"Ok", he smiled as he walked over to the bed to join me, "She has these beautiful brown eyes that definitely complemented her hair. It was a rich brown that was perfectly styled into a fringe. She is the most gorgeous woman I have ever met."

"Aw Phil, what's her name?"

"Emily" He swooned.

"Philly, I'm so happy for you!" I leaned in to hug him.

He pulled away and gazed out the door, I looked to see what he was gawking at. A nurse was walking by Dan's door as she shot a wink at Phil. The way he jumped out of his seat and ran out of the room, gave me the impression that the nurse was Emily.

I laughed quietly and shook my head, but my attention wasn't pulled away from Dan for long, I heard Dan mumbling something. My head spun around and I saw Dan's eyes slowing open again.


"Oh Dan!" I squealed, as I threw my arms around his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you, Squish!" I sobbed into his chest.

"As did I" He whispered.

We pulled away and just laughed quietly.

"How long was I out?" Dan asked me.

"A couple of hours, I stayed with you the whole time", I smiled.

"What on Earth did I do to deserve you?" He smiled.

Before I could answer, Dan's phone got a notification. He grabbed it and smiled down.

"Who is it?" I ask curiously.

"Oh, its my girlfriend, Aidan".

"Aidan? What a nice name", I said through gritted teeth.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked with his head tilted slightly to the left.

"I, uh, I have to go", I mumbled, hurrying to grab all my things.

"Y/N, wait!" Dan said,trying to get out of his bed to stop me.

I walked out his room, tears spilling down my face. Before I left, I stopped one of his nurses, "Dan Howell is awake, go and look after him."

"Yes ma'am." The young woman said before scurrying to Dan's room.

Walking out into the rainy London streets, I sobbed my way home, ignoring the calls and text messages from both of the boys.

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