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Italics- Thoughts

Italics and Bold- Headlines


What the fuck am I doing? I'm engaged for crying out loud! I shouldn't be kissing anyone,espically Dan. But there was a part of me that loved being back in his arms. So that left me with a choice, marry Josh and possibly ruin my life forever,or call off the engagement and be with the real love of my life, Dan.

Dan's words snapped me out of thoughts, "Um Y/N? Are we not gonna talk about what happened up there?"

I took a deep breath, "It was wrong, I'm engaged, Daniel."

His face went from sympathetic to pure anger in the matter of seconds, "If you want me gone I understand, but can you stop toying with my emotions?"

I felt tears stinging in my eyes, but I held them back, "I can't. Trust me,I don't know what it is about you. I-I can't just let you go."

He sighed, "You're right the kiss was wrong,that's why I'm calling off whatever 'this' was until you make up your mind. Whatever you choose, I'm gonna be happy for you" and with that he left me again with a few last words, "I'm expecting an invitation to your wedding."

One Week Later

Josh Dun' s fiance kissing mystery man?

YouTube star, Dan Howell, and Y/N Lester smooching at high school reunion!

Miss Cheater? Will the Josh and Y/N wedding be called off?

I paced in the living room,the news of me and Dan's little kiss spread overnight and it's been the only thing in the headlines all week. I know Josh has probably seen it, but I really hope he hasn't. The thought of his face when he sees me is giving anxiety as it is, but how am I going to be able to explain this to him?

The front door flew open, and standing in the doorway was a teary eyed Josh, holding many magazines with me and Dan on it, "Please say this is all a joke, baby."

I tried to speak, but the only thing I could do was look at the ground,I was too ashamed to even look him in the eye.

"Did I do something wrong? Is it not spending enough time with you? Is it because I didn't go to the reunion with you? What is it?"

I gulped, "Josh, I think you should sit down."

Dan's POV

It was a week after the reunion, I don't know, but standing up to Y/N, was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I finally started being happy again. I even started going out with my old friends again.

But the bad side to this whole situation, was the media. I had to make a long video explaining my position and how I meant no harm towards Y/N and Josh's engagement, and I wished then the best of luck as a couple.

Luckily, that won my audience over, and there  was little of my name in papers, magazines, and articles online.

I was sitting on the couch, finishing editing on my newest 'danisnotonfire' video, when there was a knock on the door.

I opened it to see a teary eyed Y/N, with many suitcases in her arms.

"Well, I don't think you're getting that wedding invitation any time soon."

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