Do It For Her

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A/N:I'm thinking about doing over points of views, other than Dan and Y/N. Should I? Let me know! Now onto the story!

Phil's POV

It was a normal Sunday morning in the Dan and Phil flat. I'm pretty sure Dan is out or hiding somewhere in the house, scrolling through Tumblr.

I was sitting on my bed, watching some anime, when I heard a knock on the door. Knowing how lazy Dan is, I stood up to go get the door. I stopped in the hallway and heard Dan mumbling to someone.

"Dan, what am I gonna do? We've paid for everything and we sent all the invations?" A small voice whispered.

"Shh, you're okay. Me and Phil will go down to talk some sense into him."

Finally, I decided to walk out, to see what the heck was going on. I stop in my tracks to see my baby sister, sobbing in the arms of Dan.

Immediately, I spin her around and pull her into a tight embrace. I look up at Dan with a confused look. He mouthed, "Josh" to me. I nodded as I held Y/N tighter.

"Ph-Phil, w-what am I g-going to do?" She stuttered, her glossy e/c eyes looked up at me.

"Y/N/N, I don't know what to do right now. Trust me, Dan and I will figure something out. But for now, I want you to take a long bath, eat some chocolate, and watch some movies. Just relax for a bit." I wiped a tear away from her small face, and stroke her cheek.

She nodded, "Philly, what did I do to get such a great brother like you."

I kissed her forehead, "I should be asking you what I did to get someone as fabulous as you."

She laughed, "Okay, I need to pull myself together, I'll be in the bath."

Dan and I waited as we heard Y/N enter the bathroom.

"Phil, we are going down to that son of a bitch's house and beat the shit out of him, for hurting my Y/N-"

"Excuse me? Your Y/N?" I smirked.

Dan's cheeks turned a bright red, and not just out of anger. "I-I mean, our Y/N! It's not I'm still madly in love with her and the breakup is kinda good for me because I can finally be with her again and-"

"Dan, you're in love with her?" I smiled.

"I d-didn't, ugh! I said that out loud didn't I?"

I nodded.

"I'm gonna go get some stuff for Y/N." Dan said as he stormed outside.

People think it's weird that I was always so supportive of Dan's feelings for my sister. I mean, most brothers would be super protective, and trust me I was. But I had to realize, my sister is a grown woman and I can't make decisions for her. The best thing I could do, is just be her shoulder to cry on when things go bad. And to be frank, I never liked Josh. I can't help it that I ship Dan and my sister so much!

(Time skip)

Dan finally came home after some alone time, and Y/N was resting in my room. He came in carrying a bunch of bags.

"What is that Dan?" I smirked.

"None of businesses", he laughed.

"Stuff for your Y/N?" I joked.

"Shut up!"

Switch to Dan's POV

I knocked on Phil's door lightly, creeked the door open. On Phil's bed, was Y/N, looking beautiful as ever, even with the mascara stains.

"Hey gorgeous", I whispered sweetly.

"Hey squish." She sat up and her eyes went to the bags. "What is this?"

"Well you know since my YouTube career is giving me so much money I don't know what to do with, I decided to treat my favorite pal."

I placed them by her side, and she started looking through them, pulling out little things like candy, little makeup things, and some jewellery. Her smile lit up the room, which made me so ecstatic. Finally she had one bag left. She pulled out the gift that made me the most anxious, a ring. Engraved on it was, "You will forever be my always".

"Aw,Dan!" She threw her arms around me and held me tight.

I pulled away, "Well, I need to go take care of some personal business, but when I get back we can talk,okay?"

She nodded and smiled.

I left the room with one though,

Do it for her, do it for Y/N

(Time skip)

Your POV

It was late in the cold London night, and I was starting to get nervous about Dan. He's been out for more than two hours. What was this "personal business" he had to do? Is he hurt? Did he leave me again?

After some thinking, I decided to ask Phil to call him. I walk out to the lounge and sat down next to Phil.

"Hey sis, what do you need?"

"Dan's been out a while, I'm starting to get worried, can you call him?"

"Of course!" He picked up his phone and dialed his number and put it on speaker.

"Hey Dan! Where are you? We were starting to get worr-"

"Is this Daniel Howell's brother, partner,or flatmate?" A male voice spoke.

"Flatmate and his partner is with me." I gave Phil a punch on the shoulder.

"He was found in Joshua Dun's house knocked out and he is now in the hospital, come immediately."

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