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Dan's POV

All week has been absolute hell. Y/N has been flirting, no teasing me all week. Sure it was a bit unexpected at first, but nonetheless it was fun for the both of us. It started slow and easy, she would smack my ass when we were shopping or she would wear her most revealing clothes, at home and in public. But soon the fun, playful teasing became unbearable. It escalated, quickly. Soon she started pulling us into janitors' closets and we would have a heavy make out sesh, or she would sext me when I was in important meetings with Phil.

I had finally had enough. It was time someone put her in her place. So when I woke up, I tracked down Y/N, who was watching some new anime Phil told her about, looking as innocent as ever, or so I thought.

She turned her head to face me, "Oh hey baby, wanna watch this with me?"

I walked over to sit aside her on the sectional, "Actually, I wanted to talk about something."

"Oh me too, we have a dinner to attend tonight!"

"We do?" I asked with a tilted head.

"Yep, Phil and Emily wanted to meet up again, so we were gonna get some grub then go to the club, sound good?" She said with a bright smile.

"Y-yeah! That sounds, uh, great!" Maybe this whole tease-fest was finally over.

"Well we have some stuff to do, so we need to get going!"

"Okay, I'll go take a shower right now." I said and started making my way to the bathroom.

"Oh Dan?" I turned my head to face a smiling Y/N, "Didn't you need to talk about something with me?"

I stopped for a minute and thought," Actually it's fine, let's just get ready."

(Time skip)

Y/N and I left our now shared flat, around noon and headed out to finish some errands. We walked down the overcast London streets, our hands perfectly molded into the other. She placed her head on my shoulder, and wrapped her small arms around my waist like a child.

We stopped in a small café, to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin. After we got all we needed, we sat in the corner of the café.

"So baby, what are we doing for the next 5 hours?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Well I wanted to get a new dress for tonight, and I wanted to get some pictures and frames, and we need some shampoo, eggs, and batteries."

"Okay, so how about we shop for that dress then I can go to the supermarket while you get your pictures."

"Yep. We got a game plan."

(Time skip)

After a couple of hours of shopping with Y/N, we were finally home. I set down my keys, kicked off my shoes, and headed to the couch to relax.

After some minutes of relaxation, Y/N walked out wearing a rose gold dress that complemented every accent of her body. Her hair was perfectly curled, she just screamed beauty and perfection.

"Ready?" She asked, putting in her left earring.

"Wow, I feel under-dressed next to you, gorgeous." I gushed, placing a warm kiss upon her head.

"You look so handsome, with or without a suit." She reassured me.

"I think I'm gonna change anyways, I won't be a minute", I said, waking off to get ready.

Switch to Y/N's POV

As I watched Dan quickly make his way to his room, I smirked internally. My plan was working. Poor, little Daniel, thinking his week of torture was finally over. Dare I say, pathetic. If this was gonna work, I was gonna have to play innocent just a little longer, then I can really have some "fun".

Dan walked out in a dark grey suit, his tie in a mess as he tried to tie it properly.

"What am I gonna do with you?" I asked giggling, "Come here Dan." He walked over laughing, pretending to be ashamed.

As I stood there, fixing Dan's mess of a tie, I could feel his warm eyes watching me, "I don't understand how woman can always do this."

"Considering I have two brothers, (Martyn and Phil) and a lot of male cousins, I became a pro at this over the years", I joked.

I was finally done with Dan, and we were both ready. So, hand in hand, we walked out of our flat and headed to a peaceful night with some friends, maybe.

A/N: Hey peeps! Sorry that it took me so long to update this chapter. I hope you all are having a great summer so far! Oh, and I thing pretty soon I'm gonna be broadcasting live on YouNow, so keep an eye out for that. I will be sure to update when I'm live. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a fantabulous day! Chou!

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