Chapter 3

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3 years later

I ignore my drunken mother who is mumbling things as scurry past her to the front door. She is holding a beer bottle as usual, burying her sorrows into the bottom of the cold, brown glass. She's been a complete wreck ever since my dad got arrested. Unlike her, I was overjoyed that my abusive father was locked up for a DUI and drug possession. Ever since, my mother resorted to the bottle. She left me alone a little more, out of sheer hatred for me. She believes that it's my fault my dad is in the slammer but as usual; I don't give a frickle frackle. Don't get me wrong, she's still a frigid bitch and tries to beat me, but I'm I'm sixteen now. I'm not that feeble little thirteen year old any more and I learned how to hold my ground.

"Whereareyougoing!" My mother slurs from behind me, her words barely audible and tainted by acohal. But she's too late and I'm already out the door, not even paying her a look.

I sign to myself and wonder how I managed to get stuck with such shit parents, but somehow I did. I don't really see my mom that often anymore since it's summer break and I'm almost always at. Luke's house. After all, he does live right next to me.

The tips of my converse kick at loose pebbles on the pavement and I walk over to Luke's house. I make my way up his front porch and just show myself in through the front door. I know that seems a bit awkward; just entering his house uninvited. But, after that day when luke made me promise to stop self harming, our friendship kinda blossomed. Plus, his mom loves me. In fact, Luke's mom is more of a mom to me than my own.

"Lukey!" I call, slamming the door shut behind me.

"In here, Vi!" Luke's voice calls back from the living room.

I follow his voice into the living room where I see luke, Calum, Michael, and our other friend ashton piled on the couch with x-box controllers in their hands.

"Really, guys?" I say as I glance toward the television. "Fifa?" Ashton doesn't even like Fifa.....

"Violet!" Calum yells, dropping his controller to engulf me in a bone crushing hug. "I haven't seen you in forever!

"Cal, you saw me last night." I laugh into his chest.

"It's been a full thirteen hours!" He whines and practically carries me to the couch.

"Calum! Don't crush her before we tell her the news!" Ashton scolds him. Calum pouts and loosens his grip but still holds me on his lap. (No, Calum and I are not dating)

"What news?" I cock my head to the side, suspense building up inside me quickly. The boys exchange smiles before they signal ashton to speak.

"Five seconds of summer is official, we already have a small fan base." Ashton tells me, a beaming smile spread across his lips, his adorable dimples carving themselves into his cheeks.

"Guys, that's awesome!" I squeal, a smile of my own displaying themselves on my lips.

"I still think you should join." Luke says. "The band could use a girl."

"And what would I do, luke? Play the freaking triangle?" I laugh.

"Oh come on, Vi!" Luke pouts. "Your a great singer, I've heard you!"

"Luke's right, violet! Band practice would be more fun with you anyway!" Michael joins in on the conversation.

"All of you already sing!" I point out. "You don't need another singer."

Maybe I didn't want to be on YouTube. Maybe it was all that self hate still buried somewhere inside me. Though it's true, I did get rid of my clunky nerd glasses in exchange for contacts and I got, dare I say- pretty. But something inside me just says that no one would really like me. Obviously, if they have a small fandom now then they don't need me. I'm not that great of a singer anyway.

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