Chapter 18

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Bipolar relationship or not, Luke woke up this morning, begging me to make him pancakes. He was like a little kid on Christmas morning. Though, I wasn't sure why. He probably didn't even have a good reason. I've learned over the years that Luke didn't often have a good reason for his little bursts of childlike excitement.

"Please, Violet." Luke whined, nudging my shoulder. I had groaned, and rolled over so I wouldn't be facing Luke, who was being persistent as ever this morning. "I really, really, really, want pancakes."

"Luke," I groan, pushing my face into a pillow. "Make them yourself. You know how to make pancakes, Jesus."

"But they always taste better when you make them." Even though I couldn't see him, the image of him sticking out his bottom lip in a pout pushed it's way Into my mind and I smiled into the pillowcase. And plus, it was true. Luke wasn't the best cook to ever set foot on the planet.

"But I'm tired," I huff, my words coming out muffled with my mouth being pressed to the pillow.

"But I want pancakes." He persists.

"And I want sleep." I fire back, sounding mildly annoyed. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying our childish quarrel. Luke did get on my nerves frequently, but I still loved him. I was just relishing the moments where we weren't fighting like we did last night. I liked five year old Luke and Violet much better than the other versions of us. I certainly like us better this way.

Luke didn't say anything and I though he may have finally given up on trying to get me in the kitchen to make him pancakes. But then I felt something heavy sprawl out on top of me, and I knew Luke hadn't given up quite yet.

"I'm not going to move until you agree to make me pancakes." Luke said, and judging by the lack of sarcasm in his tone, I knew he was serious.

"But lucas," I groan, the weight of Luke crushing my petite frame. "I'm really, really, really tired."

"And I'm really, really, really hungry." He states simply, still not moving. "Please?"

"Luke, your impossible," I sigh, giving In. "Fine. I'll make you some damn pancakes. Get off." S

He obliges, sliding off me and pulling me too my feet by my hands before I have time to sit up. Dragging me through my room, then down the stairs, almost making me lose footing,M&Ms then into the kitchen he real eases my arm as he hoists himself up onto the counter, gently swinging his legs back and forth while he looks at me expectantly.

"Luke it's too early in the morning for this," I groan into my hands. Luke hadn't even given me the time to get dressed - even though if he had, I probably would have stayed in my pajamas anyway - I was still in my furry pajama pants and a grey tank top, my hair lazily tied into a half-ass messy bun, strands of hair hanging around my face losely.

Luke doesn't say anything, only pouts as he nods between me and the pantry, his messy bed head making him look even more of a child than he was acting. I roll my eyes, swiveling around for the pantry. I pull the pantry door open, it creaking as I did so, my sleep filled eyes scanning the shelfs for a box of bisquick pancake mix.

The bright yellow box catching my eye, I stand on my tip toes to reach the shelf it was placed on. I heard Luke chuckle from behind me, he was no longer sitting on the counter. His shoulder brushed mine as he reached up and grabbed the box with ease, handing it to me. I huffed, looking up at Luke who towered over me with his height, the box of pancake mix clutched in my right hand.

"Damn you, Hemmings." I try to stifle back a laugh, Luke's dumb smile making me smile. "Damn you. Every tall inch of you."

"Hey!" He shouts, raising his hands in surrender. "It's not my fault you're a dwarf."

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