Chapter 12

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Okay, now for the dedications....the firsts dedication is lukesgeek because she leave a comment on almost every chapter and she almost always leaves a vote and that's awesome. Seriously I love my readers, you guys are the bomb! Xx


Yeah, she died. No, I'm not okay. I'm alone now. My dad's in jail, and my mom is fucking dead. I hated her. God, I hated that women. But I still loved her. I mean, for god sakes the women was an unpleasant bitch but if it weren't for her and dad's broken condom I wouldn't be here. So, yes, I loved her. It's all a forgive-and-forget process. And I decided to forgive. Scars fade eventually, even though they never fully disappear, they do indeed fade.

After the paramedics ushered me out of the room my legs turned to jelly, well, all my limbs turned to jelly and I collapsed. But of course Calum was right there to catch me and help me over to the nearest bench while he asked a by-standing nurse if I could have some water, which I see him carrying toward me now.

He gently places the clear plastic cup in my still trembling fingers. I take a few sips to cleanse my dry and burning throat before Calum speaks up.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks, placing his warm fingers on my shoulder. Maybe his fingers felt so warm because all my blood seemed to disappear from my veins and I went cold. Really cold.

"She's dead Calum." I croak, not quite meeting his dark eyes. "I hated her for the longest time, but I never wanted her dead." My throat is burning again just from that sentence and I take a few more sips until the small cup is empty and I crush the plastic in my hand.

"I know, I know." He says sympathetically, his eyes glassy. "God, I really hate seeing you sad."

It was a thing Calum and I did, really. Or more of a thing Calum did. Whenever I cried, he looked like he was going to cry. It was like my sadness made him that much more sad than I was, so I tried

my best not to be sad, because I hated seeing Calum sad. It's a thing we do to keep each other happy. I have known the kid since the second grade and ever since then, we just hated seeing each other all mopey.

"I know." I sigh, my breath scratchy on its way out. It's like my vocal cords turned to jelly too, or at least feel like they were assaulted by a playful cat. Either one.

"I don't mean to be an asshole. . ." Calum says, taking a breath. "But, you said Luke was pissed at you?" He looks at me, a little fear in his eyes like he was afraid I'd burst into tears at the question.

"Oh, yeah." I sigh and clear my throat. "It's. . .a long story, but I can manage."

"Okay." He shifts so he can look at me while I spill what happened between Luke and I.

"Well," I clear some of the scratchiness from my throat. "After the party. . .we kissed. . . Then this morning I asked what it meant, then he got mad a stormed out."

"Oh." Calum says, readjusting his snap back. "Well, that's not what I expected."

"Yeah us kissing-" I start but Calum holds up a finger, signaling me to let him continue.

"I didn't mean I was surprised that you guys kissed." He says. "I'm surprised he stormed off."

"W-what?" I stammer and feel my tear-swollen eyes widen.

"Oh, come on, Vi," Calum nudges me with his elbow. "I think we can all tell that lukey-pookey has a crush, since the seventh grade, if I need to be exact." He smirks.

"No." I shake my head. "That's not true, it isn't, Cal."

He sighs, a long, almost exasperated sigh. "The longer you take to admit to yourself that you and Luke have something, the harder it'll get for both of you. " he tells me. "You guys already kissed, that's already a good place to start."

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