Heaven || luke hemmings

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(Okay, for the sake of new readers, do keep in mind that the beginning of this story is actually very poorly executed, it being written and posted at a time when I wasn't as knowledgable on certain subjects, and I wasn't as much as an evolved writer as I am now. And some stuff was just plain stupid, and extremely amateur on my part, so just proceed knowing that this isn't my best work and I'm honestly a bit embarrassed to look back on this. And do feel free to disregard some of the authors notes that appear in the beginning, I made some a bit over dramatic. There's also a lot of typos and stuff, seeing as how I don't really edit my stuff before posting *shudder* it's just really bad in my opinion...x3 Xx)


I impatiently tapped my pencil between my fingers, anxious for the the teacher to move out of the way so I could copy down the current math problem she was scribbling down on the white board that was smudged with black ink.

Once she steps aside I rush to figure out the answer.

I scribble down quickly when I see a head peep out from my shoulder followed by the sound of pencil scratching down on paper. I turn my head to see innocent little Mikey trying to act as if he didn't even just look at my paper.

"Michael seriously? We are in the seventh grade for god sakes," I scold him in a hushed tone so my voice was just barely audible. "Can't you do your work without using my paper?"

"Oh come on, Vi! You know I'm not good at this stuff!" Michael whines and tries to give me the puppy dog eyes.

"Shh." The teacher scolds us when she hears Michael burst out. Michael never was the greatest at keeping his voice low. Naturally, since he was my best friend I was always getting pulled under by him when he was too loud, considering he was either talking to me or Calum who sat a few rows besides us in math class.

Calum and Michael always seemed to be getting me scolded or reprimanded by teachers. But boys will be boys and they are really the only real friends I have got. I'm not good at holding grudges either, not that I would want to but I never really get mad at the boys when I do get into a little trouble. Like I said, they are my only friends. All the other girls are either too pretty, smart, talented and I'm just kinda lost in the mix. I don't really belong anywhere. I just kinda exist, I exist but I'm not noticed. Even my parents don't give me the time of day unless it's a good report card that I'm bringing to their attention. So Calum and Michael are really all I have anymore and I couldn't be mad with them if I tried. I guess they mean to much to me.

I sigh and turn my attention back to my work, tying my dark chocolate hair into a pony tail while I have a little bit of time. I adjust my geeky glasses to the perfect position, picking up my pencil in my left hand once more.

"You got me in trouble." I lean in close to Michael, my voice barely above a whisper, a small frown etched onto my lips.

"Sorry." He whispers back sincerely

"It's fine." I smile, my voice reaching a volume to loud and I cringe knowing my teacher is just seconds away from calling me out.

"Violet, I thought I told you to be quiet." My teachers says from her desk, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Yes, Mrs. Greeneman, my apologies." I sigh once more, feeling slightly defeated.

About twenty more minuets pass by and I'm done with my work as well as Michael is. Only, Michael didn't finish by his own. He proceeded to copy off of my worksheet the entire time and I let him; for the sake of his grade. But I can imagine his test grades aren't going to be pretty, considering he copies off of me most the time. I should push him to study more or maybe get a tutor, though he'd probably ask me to tutor him, I just wouldn't be able to find the time even though I have no social life, I'm always busy. I'm mostly busy with studying or stuff like that, a typical nerd.

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