Chapter 10

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My eyes flicker open, clouded by sleep. The blinds are closed this time, allowing me to wake up without being pestered by streams of light. It's not long before I shoot up into a sitting position, all the events if last night flooding back to memory.

Luke kissed me, I kissed Luke, we kissed each other.

I smile for a second and look over at Luke who is still sleeping, and snoring lightly. But then I start freaking out a little. I don't want anything to be awkward. Three years of friendship isn't the type of friendship you can just rekindle in a day. What if things are ruined? Well, Luke kissed me first, so he should be okay with all this. . . I hope. . .

I gently crawl out of bed, careful to not wake Luke who was just adorably sprawled out over the covers instead of under them. He was always a cute sleeper. But I didn't really get to see him sleep that often considering he always woke up before me. I guess I got lucky this time.

I pad into the bathroom, the cold tile chilling my feet. I gently close the door behind me, making sure I don't make a sound loud enough to wake Luke. The door clicks shut and I pull Luke's gigantic shirt over my head, leaving me bare besides my panties. I decided I probably had enough time to take a shower before Luke would wake up, so I could take advantage of the spare time.

Once I strip down, I step into the also cold tile of the shower and turn the faucet on hot. I pull back the shower curtain and the warm water comes raining down, trickling down my back and soaking my hair.

I lather up my hair, wash it, rinse it, then repeat like a typical girl and I leave conditioner in as I wash down my body. I shave quickly, the rinse out the conditioner and let the water run over me for a few more minuets, letting my muscles warm up underneath the water.

Then at the time I was sure the mirror outside the shower was fogged, I turn off the faucet and ring my hair out a little before sticking my arm outside the shower curtain to swipe my towel of the rack.

Once I get the towel securely wrapped around my dripping body, I swear I can distinguish the faint puffs of breath just in the other side of the curtain. Slowly, I pull it back, peeping only my head out. Low and behold there is Luke with fresh clothing in his hands, sitting on top of the closed toilet seat, looking back at me with his lively blue eyes and a cheeky grin.

"Luke, what the fuck?" I squeak and duck back into the the safe four walls of the shower.

"I need to take a shower." He chuckles and I hear him shift.

"And you couldn't have waited?" I groan. I can't believe how we are treating like last night never even happened. It's just like the old Luke and Violet. Just the best friends who didn't heatedly make out and collapse on the bed.

"I didn't really see the point of waiting outside." He says and I can imagine him shrugging just on the other side of the curtain.

"Luke." I whine childishly.

"Okay, okay," he laughs. "Just come out, I promise I won't look."

I sigh and pull the curtain back, trusting Luke's word enough to believe we wasn't looking. But of course, he was.

"Jesus, Luke." I shake my head and my soaking hair throws a few droplets of water in a bunch of different directions. A few landing on Luke. At least I was covered.

I look at Luke, his hair is sticking out in different directions, his adorable bed head. And he's still in his boxers from last night. He must have just walked over to his house half naked to get clothes after he woke up, or he just stashed some over here without me noticing.

I scurry out, shutting the door closed behind me so Luke can take his shower.

I drop the towel and scoop up some stuff out of an open drawer, throwing them on when I'm done drying off. I tie my still wet hair up into a bun, not caring that once it was dry it was going to be a mop of untamable waves and curls. I throw the towels across the room to the dirty pile of clothing building up and needing to be washed, I just have been too lazy to do it.

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