Chapter 8

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I shrug my jacket a little higher on my shoulder, the weather was dropping violently. I was leant up against the cold metal door of Ashton's car which was probably sipping away at more of my body heat. But I refused to go back inside alcohol infested house. I would stand out here all night if I had too. But shit, if it wasn't cold. . .

I shove my hands in as far as my shallow jean pockets will allow. I can barely fit my entire phone I'm my jeans, let alone my freezing hands. Now is about the time I start thanking god I decided to put on skinny jeans and a jacket; I'd probably freeze without them.

Just a few more minuets later, I feel my phone break into a annoying session of rapid buzzes, indicating that someone was calling me. I groan and slip one of my hands from my front pocket to retrieve my phone. My phone is wedged between the fabric tightly, but I manage to slip it out and unlock it, brining it to my ear. I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Hello." I half grunt as a short breeze picks up, blowing my hair into my eyes. I hear booming music in the background of the call, as well as the occasional shout of an intoxicated person.

"What the hell?" Luke's voice appears over the line. "Where are you?"

"Outside." I answer shortly, still extremely annoyed with Luke after I had my panic attack.

"Why are you out there? It's freaking freezing." His voice is flustered with a vague hint of worry.

"Because that party is most certainly not any fucking fun." I hiss over the line. I can almost see Luke running his fingers through his hair, a habit of his whenever he was a bit worked up.

"God, just please come back inside?" He asks.

"Why? Just so I can see you make out with other girls, Luke?" I can feel myself on the verge of exploding like a deadly bomb. "Not that I give a flying fuck who you lock lips with! But if that's all you were going to do, then why the hell make me tag along?" I shout. But you do care who he makes out with. . . My conscious feels the need to add in. I ignore her.

"Violet, please just come-" he starts but I'm to furious to let him continue.

"I had a panic attack, just in case you cared!" I yell, my words powered by anger. I don't know how I got so angry, and so quickly. But then again, I didn't really understand myself that much to begin with, so I just went with it. "it's not like I need you following me around like a lost puppy dog, but it would be nice if you didn't drag me along to this shit, then ditch me knowing how bad my anxiety is!"

"I know!" He yells back trying to make sure his voice was audible over the powerful music in the background, still going strong. "I know I fucked up, and I'm sorry! Just please come back inside, or I'm coming out to get you."

I stay silent for a second, pondering my two options. "Fuck." I huff. "Fine, I'm coming." I throw my free hand out of its pocket and in the air in frustration, even though I know luke can't see me.

I end the call before either of us can say anything else, and I'm fuming. (Yeah, I may be a teensie bipolar, it's not as bad as it could be though. I told you I had issues) I feel like a child, I almost always do. It really, really, really maddening. Feeling like your the lesser of everyone, just because of your age. Well age is just a number and I'm tired of letting it define me. Luke needs to see this. I know he worries, I know. But I'm sixteen and considering the shit I've been through you might as well consider me thirty. I'm just tired of feeling like a five year old around Luke.

I trudge back up the slanted driveway, the music getting louder yet again, and the feeling of a headache returning. The smell of alcohol returns also, attacking my nostrils. I almost gag. Maybe there's a little bit of vomit too. . .probably vomit. I wouldn't be surprised.

Just as I pass the open doorway, there's Luke standing right there to greet me. I just walk right past him. But, even though there are hundreds of people here, I feel the thump of his footsteps and his slender shadow looming behind me as I make my way through the crowd again, feeling like it's already been the thousandth time I've done this within the last hour.

I don't know where I'm going and I end up in a place with marble counters, bottles filled with clear liquid on top of them. The kitchen. Then I get and idea. If Luke's going to treat me like I'm a child, I might as well have a little fun. I grasp a empty solo cup, praying no one else's lips have contaminated it with their germs. I peer in the top, it's empty. Next, I grab a half empty bottle of liquid, not reading the label, and pouring a good amount into the fluorescent red cup. I grip the cup firmly and turn on my heel to look at Luke who wears a confused expression.

"Do you even know what that is?" Luke raises an eyebrow.

"No." I shrug. "But, you told me to have fun didn't you?" My mouth contorts into a smile as I lift the half filled cup to my lips, the liquid trickling onto my tongue.

It burns as I go down my throat, and I practically cough it all back up into the cup. Obviously, my plan to rebel against these childish binds I'm being held in, isn't proving successful and now I feel like an idiot. Damn. . .shoulda read the label. . .

Luke runs his hands through the front of his hair, looking down at the kitchen tile and chuckling. "Smooth, Vi."

I huff and stomp past him again, leaving that cup of liquid fire on the counter where I first poured it. I stomp my way back to the leather couch I was sitting on when I first saw Luke and that girl. The drunk couple aren't there anymore, than god. But when I sit down I see Luke was still following.

He takes a seat next to me. "Okay, are you seriously this mad?" Luke asks. I don't even look at him.

"Whatever Luke, it doesn't matter." I sigh. "I didn't matter before, so just go back to making out with girls and leave me alone?" Now I kinda feel like I'm acting like a child. . .well crap.

"First you get mad that I left you alone, and now you want nothing to do with me?" He looks confused. "Vi, I love you but sometimes your confusing as hell."

I don't look at him again because I know he's right, but I'm still mad he made me come. I can't help how bipolar I am sometimes, it just happens.

"Get up." He commands, standing and taking my hands. "Come on."

"What? No." I say, trying to pull my hands back.

"I need to talk to you, just please come?" He pleads.

"Fine." I groan.

Luke leads us through the middle of the house, back to the staircase I ventured up and found ashton maybe about twenty minuets ago. We make our way up to an unoccupied room and Luke shuts the door behind us.

Before I can say anything, he speaks. "Yes I know I shouldn't have ditched you but I thought this would be good, like a chance for you to get out and live a little. I didn't know that this was going to happen! I was trying to back off and let you be independent because I know I worry about you too much, but I just can't get it right, Vi." He says, fingers raking through his hair. "It was a stupid idea." He sighs and takes a seat on the bed that was in the middle of the room.

"Sorry I got mad. . . I just-" got jealous. . . My conscious says, but again I ignore her. "I don't know, Luke. I just got angry." I apologize. I walk over to where he's sitting and take a seat next to him.

He wraps his arms around me before I can say anything else. I return the favor, trying my best to hug my petite arms around his large frame.

"It really wasn't that fun without you." He says just above a whisper, his breath fanning over my shoulder. I smile. "I don't really feel like partying anymore."

"Yeah, me either." I laugh.

"I'll text Ash in a second to ask if we can use his car." He says, detaching his arms from me to look for his phone.

"Are you sleeping over again?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Of course I am"


A/N well, there's going to be better stuff in the next chapter. . . Heheh. . . It's gonna make up for the shortness in this chapter.


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