Chapter 14

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I'm at 400 reads. What the fuck. Omg I love you guys so much, you don't even know.


"Luke, get off me!" I squeal as Luke pins down my arms to the carpet. I knew exactly what he was going to do, he's been doing it since the seventh grade, and this wasn't going to go down well.

"But I love you," he pouts sarcastically.

"Lucas!" I squirm under him. Basically, he had me pinned to the floor, his long legs straddling my stomach and his hands pinning my arms down, so I couldn't go anywhere.

"Something tells me your still ticklish." He smirks, a smirk that scares me because I know what's About to happen

"Luke," I shoot him a warning glare, but as usual, it doesn't faze him whatsoever. I'm about as intimidating as a baby penguin, and Luke happens to love baby penguins. So, he just thinks I look adorable most the time. He moves both my pinned arms into one of his gigantic hands so he's left with a free hand, and I go wild.

"Luke, no!" I shriek as he begins slowly poking my ribcage, causing me to wiggle and squirm helplessly. "Please Luke, it tickles!"'

"Good," he smiles as he pokes a little faster.

"You're-satan-Luke," I say between my sessions of choppy laughter and gasping.

Eventually Luke stops his less than pleasant assault and falls on the ground next to me, clutching his side as booming laughter escapes from his open mouth. I take this as an opportunity to collect myself back together before pouncing on Luke just like he did to me a few minuets ago. I may be small and he might be able to move me easily, but at least I can still plant myself on top of him, I guess.

I sit myself down on his chest, my little bit of weight keeping him on ground for the most part. I still wasn't heavy enough to keep him pinned down, but it was a small start. Luke always won, though. Always.

"So," Luke starts after we both calm down, but I stay sat on his chest. "What do you wanna do today?"

"I thought you had band practice?" I question.

"Yeah, but they don't need me." He shrugs.

"Said the lead singer." I roll my eyes playfully and remove myself from Luke, sitting down on the floor next to him.

We stare up at the cream colored ceiling for a moment, pondering what to say next, or simply not talking because we were at a loss for words. I knew one thing, the silence didn't bother me. I didn't care if we never spoke again, as long as we were okay. And that's exactly what we were. We were okay.

"But seriously," Luke breaks the lingering silence between us. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," I shrug and lay down next to Luke, my head on his chest, my ear listening to the steady beat of his heart, my head gently rising and falling with his chest as he breaths. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," Luke chuckles. "That's why I asked you what you wanted to do."

"God, we're impossible," I sigh. It was true, Luke and I couldn't make our own decisions if our life's depended on it.

"How about the mall?" Luke suggests after a few minuets.

"Oh, yeah. Sure, the mall sounds good." I agree, only because Luke and I had nothing better to do, and I could already tell he wouldn't be at band practice today. We had that established.

Luke and I collect ourselves from the floor, and I stretch before padding into the bathroom, pulling out my toothbrush. Luke follows me, and does the same with his toothbrush he left here a couple times. Luke has a spare of literally everything somewhere in my room. He sends most his time over here anyway, and I can only imagine he'll be over here even more now, considering it's me all alone in a two story house with no drunken mother to keep my company.

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