we're here

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01 - we're here

finns pov

idiot. i felt like an idiot. i'd never felt so stupid in my entire life. i had been looking forward to summer, spending time with my friends for once instead of being grounded. i had been so good for the past month to make sure my summer was great. but you forget one thing's in yo-

"we're here." i turned to my mom in the drivers seat and pulled out my ear phones that faintly blasted the so so glos. "we're here." she said it again, eyes still fixed on the still gravel road in front of her. she wouldn't look at me, i wasnt forgiven. i rolled my eyes, did she want me to leave without saying goodbye?

she was clearly fuming, her teeth were clenched and her hands gripped the steering wheel so hard i thought it might pull off.

"why do you think you're here?" she said quietly, finally breaking the silence. i shrugged moodily- as if she really cared. i wasn't there by choice. i didn't want to spend my summer at this shitty... what did they call it? correctional camp? i scoffed just thinking about it. i could be spending my time doing something fun this break.. listening to music with dane, rolling up with si- but no. i had to go and be and IDIO-

"FINN!" i snapped out of my thoughts as my mom suddenly yelled and whacked the steering wheel with her hands. i jumped and glared at her. "this is bullshit." i muttered. she usually yelled when i swore... not this time, she was beyond caring. "i want this to make you better." she said, holding back tears. tears of despair. she was sick of me acting out and doing stupid things- how could i help it.

i ignored her comment. "will there be girls here?" i asked, looking straight ahead instead of at her. i felt her stare burn into me for seconds. i turned my head and she seemed shocked. i just laughed and opened the car door, hopping out and slinging my bag over my shoulder. "see ya!" i said, sarcastic cheerful. her gloomy stare watched me as she didn't reply. i started to trudge up the mud path to the shitty camp. "don't fuck this up!" i heard her yell after me. i laughed to myself, this was bullshit.

it took around ten minutes to walk all the way to the camp from the road and no surprise i wasn't impressed.

i walked up the the ancient looking desk in the main building and the woman glared up at me. "you're late." she muttered, i rolled my eyes and she handed me a key, "cabin eight." she was moody as fuck. i walked towards the back of the building to find my cabin and flipped her a finger when she turned around, forgetting to look where i was going. "jeez!" said the voice of the girl i just collided with. i sighed and apologised half heartedly, not looking at her. i intended to keep walking but she grabbed my arm and i was forced to look up. "rude?" she said, raising her eyes brows. i stood for a moment, dazed. i hadn't expected any good looking girls when my mom told me about the camp. i raised an eyebrow and smirked, "my bad" i said, looking her up and down. she shook her head struggling not to smile. she turned around to keep walking the other way, "catch ya later." i said and she waved not turning back.

i smirked and kept walking in the direction of the wooden cabins, they were spread far apart in groups, trees surrounded the whole camp. number eight was towards the back of the camp, far from the main building and the leaders cabins. it was in a group of four cabins and far from the next group. not a bad place to be considering.

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