pack of royals

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12 - pack of royals

millie's pov

as we headed up towards the massive trees behind the cabins i thought about the party planned for tonight. i looked at finn who was walking next to me, he watched his feet as he walked, clearly lost in thought. it seemed a good idea to stick with him that night, i was pretty keen on getting to know him some more.

"how far is it to that cliff then?" finn asked jack in front of him. jack pointed up a steep sandy hill, "like a five minute walk up there." it didn't seem too far to go if it was nice, we started to walk quicker and i was looking forward to sitting down, exhausted by the heat.


it took a little longer than jack had said to walk up to the sandy cliff as gaten kept stopping and groaning.

when we finally reached it i flopped down on the ground, not caring about getting my clothes dirty. the sun was scorching and the sea so far below looked extremely appetising. finn sat down next to me and sadie did too on the other side, the rest joining in a circle.

i watched finn as he pulled a pack of royals out of his jacket pocket and lit up. the group stared like vultures, waiting for him to offer. he rolled his eyes and threw the pack and lighter into the middle of the circle for us to help ourselves.

sadie lunged for the box just before jack could reach it and put one between her lips, lighting it carefully and handing the pack round the circle. it came to me last and i hesitated, looking up at sadie who stared, inhaling deeply.

i shrugged and pulled one out, lighting up and passing finn his stuff back. he looked at me as i exhaled smoke slowly. he squinted in the sun and didn't tear his eyes from me when i looked away, i felt his stare burn into me.

"finn? hey let me whisper something." i said quietly, his raised his eyebrows and leaned his face close to mine, his cheek almost brushing my own. i exhaled fast and a billow of smoke flew into his face. "fuck you!" he yelled, wrenching his head away and laughing. he shuffled closer to me and shoved his arm around me daringly, i put my hand on his that was rested on my shoulder and smiled.

looking at jack and gaten i noticed them raise their eyebrows and smirk, sadie and caleb were talking privately and sophia was in her own world as usual. i stubbed out my cigarette on the dry ground to the side of me and leaned my head on finns chest. his arm was still wrapped around me and it made me feel protected.. this group made me feel protected.

i was home.

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