oh no noah

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19 - oh no noah

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"what's going on?" i asked gaten, ever so slightly annoyed that he ruined my moment with millie. though - we did have our first kiss so who cares..

"well noah's kind of passed out so we're dealing with that right now.." gaten replied. i raised my eyebrows and so did millie, speeding up back towards the party.


"what the fuck?!" millie yelled, after laying eyes on noah. "gaten?! i thought you meant passed out from drinking!" i said, shocked at the sight of noah's swollen face. he was laid on the sand, covered in cuts over his cheekbones and lips. under his hair he harboured a throbbing black eye.

sadie and caleb rushed to our sides, both gasping. "what happened?!" sadie said, clearly shocked. wyatt looked up at us from the ground where he crouched next to noah. "it was one of the people from another camp-" he was cut off by jack, "maddies friend." he said, snarling angrily.

i sighed, fucking bitch. what kind of person would do this to noah!? "we gotta wake him up." caleb said, crouching next to wyatt and jack. i crouched too, letting go of millie's hand. "noah buddy? can you sit up?" i said softly, gently shaking his shoulder until one of his eyes flickered open slowly, the other constricted by his swelling. he grabbed my arm and i pulled him into a seated position carefully. he sniffed and wiped his bleeding nose.

straining to look up at everyone noah weakly whispered "take me home." we nodded and wyatt lifted him with ease, holding his motionless body over his shoulder.

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