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09 - friends

finns pov

i had to admit. i wasn't hating this as much as i thought. we had eaten our trashy dinner and walked all the way back to cabin eight and i was really starting to enjoy the company of our little group. millie especially. millie sadie and sophia hadn't yet gone back to there bunk and we were all gathered on the beds, millie, gaten and i on mine and the others on jacks. we avoided the top bunks as they were so high up and secluded.

i still wondered where jack was and was thinking about it just as he burst in the door. i looked up at him as he grinned and said hi. he was sober, for once. "hey man.. it's been a while." i said, standing up and hugging him. i don't think i'd spoken to him for around two years. his mouth dropped open as soon as he saw me, he was ecstatic.

"fucking finn wolfhard you son of a bitch!" he said, grinning. i laughed and asked how he'd been.

he told me about all his new friends in his new town.. what was it called again? i had no idea.

he told us he had been in cabin six with his friends from home. it kind of hurt that he had new best friends but i knew he'd move on. it would be weird if he hadn't.

"right i'm gonna go to bed." sophia said, standing up from jacks bed and looking at her watch. i looked at my own. it was just coming up on eleven o'clock. millie and sadie stood up too, "yeah we gotta sleep." they both agreed.

i was kind of sad that millie was leaving so soon but i was sure i'd see her tomorrow. i hugged her goodbye and sadie kissed caleb. they left chatting and jack sat down with the rest of us next to caleb.

we started to chat about home and school and friends and girls and in the moment i felt like i could trust these people. i felt at home.

jack told us about his new best friend, wyatt. the one in cabin six. there was wyatt, noah and jack as a trio. i think that's what he said, i tuned out. i had other things on my mind.


it was around midnight before we all got into bed. the mattresses were surprisingly comfy and i curled up, grabbing my phone and pulling up spotify. i untangled my earphones and plugged in, hitting shuffle on my actual bedtime playlist. shutting my eyes i let the music take me away and slowly drifted to sleep.

it felt like the first time in a long time that i was actually sleeping.

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