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13 - maddie

finns pov

the air was dry and as smoke filled my lungs i thought about what it would be like to not have to be here. to be a good kid like my parents wanted. like nick.

but if i wasn't here i wouldn't have met these people, or millie, and i was really started to enjoy their company. we were a good group.

i looked down at millie who's head rested on my chest, my arm was draped over her shoulders and her hand rested on mine. she smiled up at me and i smiled back, gazing down into her eyes.

before i knew it i was leaning forwards and so was she, it was an awkward angle and it hurt to lean in but none of those thoughts crossed my mind at the time, i just thought of millie, she was beautiful, incredible and my lips were just millimetres from hers.

"GUYS!" jack yelled. i jerked my head away and millie sprung off me. jack was stood up with two people that had obviously just walked up. i guessed they were his friends that he told us about. what were their names again? i didn't care. i just thought about millie.

about how i was so close to kissing her, so close. i glance at her and she was staring at the ground. smirking slightly. i smiled and i must have caught her eye as she looked up and smiled back, stifling an awkward laugh.

"this is wyatt and noah." jack said, gesturing to his friends. i smiled and introduced myself, the rest of the group followed my lead.


half an hour had passed of smoking and chatting and laughing, noah and wyatt had sat down with the rest of the group and joined in. i decided they seemed like decent people. wyatt was funny, he made a lot of jokes and was quite loud- unlike noah. noah was very quiet, he didn't really talk and seemed pretty shy but there was something about him. he seemed to always know what to say but never say it.

the time that went by consisted of millie and i glancing at each other every now and then and almost bursting into fits of giggles thinking about our almost-kiss. the group gave us some weird looks but we didn't give a shit.

"is that.." noah started quietly, pointing towards the path we had walked up to get here. "fuck" jack said, standing up suddenly and looking in that direction. "it's her." said wyatt, stretching to look as well. they seemed panicked. "what's going on?" millie asked, concerned.

"do you know maddie ziegler?" jack asked. millie and i both shrugged but the rest of the group yelled in disgust.

"that bitch?!" sophia yelled.
"if she fucking comes over i swear.." said gaten. we all stood up as she and another girl approached.

i looked down, startled as millie grabbed my hand suddenly, clearly without thinking. i melted a little- she trusted me.

"well well well.. what's this then? the social misfit squad?" maddie snarled, standing in front of our line. her friend.. no- lapdog sniggered. i furrowed my brow.

"get lost maddie." caleb said, stepping in front of sadie protectively.

maddies big blue eyes scanned the group and landed on millie, who was now nestled close to me, clearly afraid. but she played it cool as usual. "skank." maddie spat, right in millie's face. millie let go of my hand and stepped forward. "what?" she said, threateningly. though her voice quivered ever so slightly.

"you look like a fucking skank." she repeated, right up close. i stepped forward and grabbed millie's hand again. protective. "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" i said. i was taller than her so able to stand over her.

"and you!" she said, turning to noah. "you're pathetic. where's your mom little boy?" she asked patronisingly. noah flinched. "you know she's dead. don't do this." he practically whispered. i looked at millie and she looked at me, both of us open mouthed with shock.

"you're just a faggot aren't you? go on. say it." maddie snarled, way too close to noah, she shoved him by the shoulder and he stumbled backwards, only just managing to keep his balance.

what happened next was a shock to all of us..

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