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30 - leaving

finns pov

"no mom, just listen.
    she needs to stay with us,
    you need to pick us up today.
    we can't stay here any longer."

i shifted from foot to foot, my blood boiled, i clenched my teeth.

i was stood directly outside the door of cabin seven, the room millie shared with sadie and sophia. sadies voice rang through the walls.

they were leaving? they couldn't, millie couldnt. she wouldn't do that to me.

i took a deep breath before knocking, why would she leave? last night was great, at the beach. everyone enjoyed it.

"millie?" i said, leaning my head against the door as i knocked.

i heard a sigh from inside and the door opened, sophia stood in the doorway.

i furrowed my brow and she moved out of the way, revealing millie crying on her bed.

"millie?!" i gasped, running towards her. "im okay, im okay." she said, wiping her eyes frantically.

i shook my head and held her in my arms.

"what's going on?" i asked, bewildered. she shrugged a little and closed her eyes.

"i can't do this anymore.. i have to get out of this place."

i sighed, it was true. she really was going to leave me.

i didn't respond. i just sat there, her in my arms. ignoring the other two girls in the room.

"we're leaving at two." sadie said quietly. i glanced at my watch.


i sighed again, and gave in. "okay."

"you should go." millie whispered. i chewed the inside of my cheek.

"ill find you before i leave - i promise." she said even quieter. i nodded and left without another word. this was the end.


"you alright man?" caleb asked from his top bunk.

i was curled in a ball, not quite crying, on my own bed. i shook my head. "she's going." i told him.

"i know.." he responded, i heard him sigh and the conversation ended as abruptly as it had started.

i looked at my watch.

ten minutes. then she'll be gone.

"finn?" came her voice, she bursted through the door and ran to me, noticing my state on the bed.

"finn please get up, it's.. im going."

i did what she said, slowly, and let her pull me out of the cabin, along with sadie. and we walked to main camp to find the car.


"what will you do when i'm gone?" she whispered, watching sadie enter her moms car.

i met her stare.

"find you." i whispered back, she smiled weakly.

"give me your hand." she demanded, i complied and she pulled a pen out of her pocket.


is what she wrote.

"a url?" i questioned, frowning. she nodded.

"how do you even remember-"

"goodbye finn." she whispered, cutting me off. i frowned again but she ignored it, grabbing my hand and squeezing. she planted one kiss on my cheek and let go, stepping towards the car and not turning back.

i watched her get in, and the car started moving, she turned her head once more and mouthed something;

find me.

when i'm gone / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now