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21 - morning

finns pov

i opened my eyes, surprised at how light it was, no one had bothered to shut the curtains before crashing out last night. i lifted my hand, careful not to wake millie who was wrapped in my arms, and checked the time on my watch. almost twelve, we'd missed breakfast. i sighed and carefully pulled my arms away from sitting up.

"millie? millie babe?" i whispered, shaking her gently to wake her. "babe?" she said, raising an eyebrow. fuck- did i really say that? i shrugged awkwardly and she laughed, sitting up beside me. "we missed breakfast." i told her. she pouted and sighed, standing up. "we gotta find food." she nodded in agreement and stood up to find some clean clothes while everyone else was asleep.

"look away!" millie said, about to get changed. i rolled my eyes, smirking and walked into the bathroom. i changed into black jeans and an old t shirt, pulling my denim jack over the top. "you can come out now." millie said, i could tell she was right by the door, speaking softly so as not to wake the others. i walked out and looked at her outfit, denim shorts and a cute t shirt with a planet on it. "cute." i said nodding in approval. she just scoffed, smiling.

"sophia?" millie said, gently shaking her awake. "where can we get food around here?" sophia opened her eyes and furrowed her brow. "there's a convenience store over the fence." i frowned. what fence? millie seemed confused to. "the one at the edge of the woods." sophia said, rolling over to go back to sleep. i nodded and millie and i left the cabin in search of food to bring back.

"do you have any money?" millie asked me as we walked into the woods. i shook my head and she stopped walking. "how are we meant to get food then?!" she said. i laughed, "how do you think?" i replied, smirking. she bit her lip and was hesitant to continue walking. "come on, it'll be fine." i told her, grabbing her hand daringly. she smiled and carried on walking.

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