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07 - lightweight

finns pov

she was insane.

it was hard to work out if it was her speaking or the high. i looked down at her, she was shorter than me by a couple inches. she smiled, gazing at the sky.

"you need to sober up." i told her. she met my eyes and nodded, swaying. she was a mess, a lightweight. clearly.

i draped my arm around her shoulders and walked her back to my cabin, making sure she didn't stumble.

she smiled and stepped into the room after i'd opened the door for her, i followed and looked over at caleb, sadie, gaten and the other girl- who i hadn't yet caught the name of.

they were sat in a circle talking and laughing and all turn to greet millie and i as we walked in. millie slumped down on my bed and shut her eyes. sadie jumped up and walked to her, laughing "you lightweight!" she exclaimed, looking down at millie who stirred and giggled.

i sat down with the others on the floor and joined their conversation. periodically glancing over at millie, who was asleep.


we had been chatting and laughing and playing cards on the floor for what felt like hours. it was nice to be comfortable around these people- i had gathered the name of the other girl was sophia.

it felt like years since i'd had friends i could be myself around.. ever since jack moved away.

speaking of jack. where was he?

i looked around the room, not spotting him, "hey where did jack go?" i asked the circle. "oh he went to another cabin to see some friends or something." sadie said, shrugging and leaning forward to grab a chip from the packet in the middle of us all. i nodded.

i heard movement from behind us and we looked over to see millie sat up, she seemed to look better, her expression was brighter and her eyes were back to how i had seen them that morning. sparkling.

"what's the time?" she asked the room.

i looked at the digital watch on my arm, "7:30" i told her, her face lit up slightly, "dinner time!" gaten yelled, excited. i laughed.

we wrapped up our halfhearted game of 'go fish' up and bundled out of the cabin, starting the long walk to main camp, food would be a welcome reward.

when i'm gone / fillieWhere stories live. Discover now