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08 - dinner

millie's pov

i woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. i would never admit it but i had never really smoked weed before. the fact made me cringe, sadie and sophia were so experienced. i guess i just didn't know what to expect. i used to smoke all the time with sadie, i steered away from the green though, it felt wrong.

we all stepped out of cabin eight and begun the long walk to the main camp, looking forward to eating. we walked as a group, sadie and caleb holding hands. i walked with finn slightly behind the others.

"how you feeling?" he asked me. i smiled, it was sweet that he cared. "not too bad." i told him, i felt awkward about crying on him earlier. i bit my lip and looked at the ground, not sure whether to say something.

"look.. i'm really sorry.. about earlier." i said, awkwardly. i felt him look at me but didn't meet his gaze. i wasn't too keen on seeming so vulnerable.

"it's not big deal." he told me. i looked up at him. "it was nice yknow.. to be relied on." i smiled and met his gaze, he smiled back and i felt his hand slowly slide into mine. i looked back down nervously. he was so sincere, i felt like it was another side of him. a different persona.


it didn't feel like we had been walking for too long when the main camp came into sight, my hand was still linked with finns and we had chatted and laughed the whole way.

as we approached the large canteen building we caught up with the rest of the group, separating our hands and joining in with the general chatter. "i'm so fucking excited." gaten said, grinning. caleb looked at him and frowned.

"what!? i'm starving!" gaten said, defensively. we all laughed and entered the building, joining the long queue for food.

"what's in?" i asked sadie as she looked at the chalkboard menu on the wall. "shepards pie and brownie." she responded. "what a surprise." sighed sophia, she was right, cliche camp food.

the queue went by fast and we stepped forward grabbing the blue plastic trays by the hatch.

the canteen ladies handed us our sloppy meals and we sat down at one of the benches. there was just enough room for all of us around one table.

caleb was the first to take a mouthful of his food and immediately grimaced when he put it in his mouth. "fuck!" he exclaimed. gaten went next and had the same reaction. we all tried it, they were right. it was gross.

"this is like... if you combine prison food with school canteen food." finn said, "with shit on the side." he added, taking a forkful of brownie, i laughed. he stuffed the brownie in his mouth and nodded. "can't go wrong wth brownie." sophia said. we all agreed, it was a pretty hard food to screw up even at camp.

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