take me home

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27 - take me home

millies pov

"take me home." i whispered, gripping finns hand like my life depended on it.. at this point it did.

we both knew what home meant.

"y-your shoes.." finn stuttered, struggling to speak as his lips turned blue. it was freezing.

i shook my head to let him know it didn't matter, and we started to walk.

the walk felt like an eternity, especially through the woods. i winced at every step as sharp twigs and stones dug into my bare feet.

it was pitch black, the only light came from the moon overhead until we started to approach the cabins, they were lined with small street lamps, dim but comforting.

i wondered whether the others would still be asleep, maybe they'd woken up and come looking for us.. i hoped not.

i felt finn glance at me every now and again as we walk, checking i was alright i guess.

i think i was, i definitely wasn't planning to try anything like that again. i started to think about where i would be if finn hadn't ran and grabbed me..

i'd be a lot colder.

a lot.

"okay?" said finn, snapping me out of my thoughts. i hadn't even realised it but we were already stood outside cabin eight. through the cracks in the door i could see the lights were on..

i bit my lip before nodding and finn squeezed my hand, reassuring me.

"millie!" sadie yelled, running straight up to me and wrapping her arms around me as soon as i stepped through the door.

she pulled back almost straight away, "you're soaked!" she said, a confused expression on her face.

i said nothing, looking around the room.

everyone was up and staring at me and finn.

"we've been worried man, where've you been?" caleb said, standing up and hugging finn.

i chewed the inside of my cheek, not sure what to do.

"come on, we'll be back in a sec." sadie said, grabbing my hand and leading me back out of the cabin.

i let her pull me without saying a word, we walked to cabin six - our original cabin, and she unlocked the door.

"what's going on?" she asked me. i was sat on the bed and she was in the bathroom, grabbing a towel. i stayed silent for a while, until she came back into the room and sat next to me, wrapping the towel around my shoulders.

i looked down, i knew i would have to tell the truth - so why wait?


sadie stared at me, stunned. i had told her everything; about my mom, my walk, the ocean, the cliff, finn.


it hit me, what i'd said to him.. what he said back.

i smiled lightly, remembering.

he loves me.

he had been so incredible that night.. a hero.

he saved my life.

he saved my life.


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