quiet calm noah

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14 - quiet calm noah

millie's pov

i watched the scene between noah and maddie play out, gripping onto finns arm fearfully as i watched poor noah get hurt. it was clear he was being pushed over the edge. his eyes were glazed and his fist balled as maddies face grew closer to his, gritting her teeth. the rest of the group had backed away- n o one knew what to do.

"SAY IT!" maddie screamed, right in noah's face. he barely flinched. i watched anxiously as i noticed his hand discreetly slip under his denim jacket to grab something hidden between the waistband of his jeans and his back.

"FUCK!" gaten yelled, jumping back with the rest of us as noah pulled a small hand gun swiftly out of his jeans and hold it straight to maddies face. "noah oh my god" sadie said, almost a whisper, she gripped calebs hands, i'd never seen her so shocked. i looked at maddie, she took a step back, clearly terrified. a single tear rolled down her cheek and she put her hands up in surrender.

"p-please i'm sorry oh my- fuck. fuck oh my god.." she breathed, stumbling over her words as more tears started falling. her chest heaved up and down an alarming rate.

"noah.." i whispered, letting go of finn and slowly stepping towards him. "GET BACK!" he yelled suddenly, i jumped and stepped straight back into finn who put his arms around me and gripped me tightly.

"maddie!" maddies companion wailed, terrified. maddie turned slightly to look at her, exasperated. "what are you going to do?" she asked noah, turning back, trembling. i stared at noah. the power was in his hands. he shook his head slowly and let his hand fall to his side, still loosely gripping the gun. maddie and her companion turned straight away and legged it, running as fast as they could. practically hyperventilating.

noah started to cry, breaking down. jack walked to him and carefully took the gun, placing it on the ground far from him and walking back. he wrapped his arms around him and let him cry into his shoulder. as noah started to sob, gripping jacks back, everyone else stepped forward and gathered around him, all joining into a hug.

"i'm so sorry." he whispered, tears rolling down his cheeks. we were silent, sat on the ground again as a circle. but closer this time. physically and emotionally. there was a clear shift after the experience. it changed us.

"i'm so so sorry.." he said again, breaking the silence. "that was.." he started, but was cut off by gaten. "amazing. that was amazing, she'll never bother us again." he said, grinning. everyone smiled and nodded. noah was still shaken but started to calm down. smiling.

finn and i were still together, i leaned against him lazily and he held me from behind. it was comforting to be with him after that.

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