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11 - breakfast

finns pov

"SHIT!" i yelled, jumping out of bed as a glass of freezing cold water was poured on my face.

"gaten what the fuck!" i yelled, running my hand through my soaked hair and wringing out my t shirt. he laughed, "come on its breakfast time!" he said. caleb and jack were sniggering behind him.

i stuck my middle finger up and smirked, grabbing a new t shirt and pulling on some jeans.

"lets go already." i said as jack pulled on his vans and we bundled out the door. "wait up we gotta go get sadie." caleb said, making his way towards cabin seven. gaten rolled his eyes and groaned. "don't you wanna see sophia?" i asked, he shrugged and we caught up to caleb.

we reached the door and knocked, it was answered promptly by sadie who grinned and wrapped her arms around caleb, they parted and we were invited in.

it occurred to me that i hadn't yet seen a girls cabin.. well it was only my second day so it made sense. it was basically the same as ours but neater, the beds were all made and they had actually put their stuff away in the dresser.

i looked up as millie walked out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel and wearing just a dressing gown, i smirked. she stopped in her tracks when she saw me, clearly embarrassed she awkwardly said hi and ran back to the bathroom. i laughed and jack looked at me knowingly.

i looked over at gaten who was sat with sophia chatting. i knew he liked her but he'd never admit it, cute.

a couple of minutes later the bathroom door opened and millie stepped out. i raised my eyebrows, i didn't know anyone could get ready that fast and look so hot. not hot.. that was wrong. stunning? yeah.

she was wearing jeans and a striped t shirt, her hair had dried and was tucked behind her ears, framing her face.

she smiled and stepped towards me. "you good?" i asked, she nodded and smiled, hugging me.

"come on guys i'm starving!" gaten yelled and we all walked out of the door to go to breakfast.


breakfast was uneventful, we ate off brand cereal and flavourless eggs. we headed back towards the cabins afterwards and sat on the muddy ground outside the door of number eight, trying to decide on something to do.

"the woods up there are cool, there's huts and stuff and a big cliff if we walk." jack offered, pointing up the hill behind the cabins. we all nodded, agreeing to go check it out.

"oh also there's a party tonight, they'll be drinks and shit so it'll be cool." sophia said, standing up and stretching. "where the fuck would they hold a party here?" gaten said, squinting in the sun. he was right, i wasn't a big fan of the idea of a shitty summer camp party.

"you guys really didn't study this place before you came huh?" sophia replied, looking around. we all shook our heads and she rolled her eyes.

"well over the woods there's a big ass beach, it's great, white sand and all. there's tons of parties every year and the leaders don't give a shit. it's lit." i had to admit, it did sound pretty cool. there were three of these camps situating in the area so that meant twenty four cabins times four people a cabin... a lot of people.

"sounds great!" i said, we all nodded, looking forward to it and i glanced at millie. she was smiling, i decided to try my best to stick with her tonight.

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