edge of the woods

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22 - edge of the woods

millie's pov

it took finn and i ten minutes to find the fence at the edge of the woods, we walked hand in hand the whole way, not saying much. my head hurt too much to make great conversation.

"how do we get over?" i asked finn, letting go of his hand and placing mine on the chainmail fence in front of us. "it's not that high." he said, looking up. "we can climb." i raised my eyebrows, not sure if i would be able to.

"it won't be that hard." finn said, rubbing his hands together and stepping forward. i watched carefully as he gripped the metal and hauled himself up, step by step he managed to swing himself over and land on his feet the other side.

i clapped, impressed and he laughed, "dyou think you can do it?" he asked. i scoffed at him doubting me and nodded smugly.

biting my lip i stepped towards the looming fence in front of me, rubbing my hands together just as finn had. i slotted my fingers between the links of the fence and pulled, straining my arms. i reached up again and repeated the action until i reached the top of the fence. i pushed up with my feet and swung them round, jumping off.

i expected to land on my feet with the same amount of agility and dignity as finn had, he made it look so easy.. but instead my legs twisted the wrong way as i jumped and i screamed, thumping down.

i expected to be on the ground; concussed maybe. but instead i was in finns arms, he had caught me and my face was right next to his. i breathed shakily. "you okay?" he said, raising his eyebrows. i nodded, kind of stunned. he set me down carefully and i thanked him.

"where's this store then?" i said, brushing myself down and trying not to sound as shaken up as i felt. finn looked around, on this side of the fence there were just as many trees, but up a small hill there was a road. lined with decaying independent stores and dry cleaners.

he pointed to one, a shabby convenience store on the corner of the road. it seemed to be the only one open. i grinned and we rushed towards it, both starving.

we walked into the shop and sprung for the aisle full of snacks. i checked out the store clerk, he was a young man with shabby brown hair and tired eyes. his name badge read charlie. i turned my head away from his suspicious gaze and helped finn pick out some food to take back to the group.

we grabbed chips and chocolate and sweets and a load of other crap. i picked up some fruit packets for health insurance. finn ducked down so that charlie couldn't see him and stuffed the food into his backpack quietly. i looked at charlie again, he was distracted on his phone - thank god.

"go chat up the clerk and i'll meet you outside okay?" finn told me. i nodded and walked to the counter, swaying my hips and pursing my lips, careful to make an impression.

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