tap tap tap

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28 - tap tap tap

finns pov

after millie and sadie left the guys bombarded me with questions about where we'd been and what we were doing.

i avoided telling them much, i couldn't do that to millie.

"they were probably fucking." gaten said, laughing. i rolled my eyes and caleb shoved him.

we guessed millie and sadie wouldn't be coming back until the morning so decided just to go back to sleep, the shining numbers on my watch read three am.


tap, tap, tap.

i opened my eyes slowly, letting them adjust to the morning light.

millie was crouched beside the bed, her face close to mine, tapping my cheek to wake me.

"morning baby." she said quietly. i raised my eyebrows and sat up slowly, "baby?" i asked, biting my lip.

she shrugged and sat down next to me.

"how are you feeling?" i asked, looking at her. she smiled slightly, "a lot better.. you saved me."

i dipped my head and shrugged, blushing slightly. "it was nothing.."

she scoffed and draped her arm around my shoulders, pulling me into a tight hug.

i smiled and wrapped my arms around her back, our chests were pulled tightly together and her face nuzzled into the crook of my neck. we stayed like that for a while, i'm not sure i was fully awake.

she pulled her head away slightly so her mouth was right next to my ear, "come with me." she whispered, sending shivers down my back. i smirked as she grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out of the cabin, letting the door swing shut behind us.


we bursted through the door of cabin six laughing, the place was empty so i guessed sadie and sophia were with the boys.

the door swung shut and she pushed me onto one of the bottom bunks, grinning. "why are we here?" i said, smiling back at her.

"i don't want to wake the others up." she said, still whispering.

before i could respond her lips were on mine, planting kiss after kiss. her hands ran up my back, pulling me closer.

i smiled into the kiss as my heart started to beat faster.

i pulled away slightly, looking into her eyes. she bit her lip and smiled before i leaned forward and planted my lips lightly on her neck, trailing down to reach her collarbones and pulling back to kiss her again.

a/n : collarbones.

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