You and I (carl grimes fanfic)

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I stalked through the woods. My eyes were open for the undead. Yup you heard me. Undead. I was about 11 when the world went to shit. I'm 13 now and I've learned how to survive. I've never needed anyone ever. Both my parents are dead so I'm on my own now. I spotted a clearing up ahead. I quickened my pace to a run. I skidded to a halt infront of a prison. I glanced at a watchtower and there was a Korean man with a sniper, gazing around the clearing. I ran forward and began waving my arms to get his attention. I heard a crunch behind me. I jumped and turned around. There was a man with a crossbow and shaggy brown hair pointing it at me. "Who are you and why are you here?" He growled at me. "Please I've been on my own since this shit happened and I don't have anyone else please I won't cause any trouble." I explained quickly. His eyes were dark. "Okay. Come on. I'll let Rick see if it's ok." He grumbled. "I'm Daryl." He said as he walked by me. "Emma." I introduce myself. I followed him as he led me towards the gates. They opened. I turned to see a dark woman with a katana. I blinked at her and paused. I turned to see Daryl already at the door. I ran forwards and walked inside. "Home sweet home." Daryl joked. I giggled. We walked inside cell block whatever it was. I sat down and leaned against a wall. I felt a sharp pain shoot through me head and my eyes flittered. Daryl noticed this and ran off screaming, "Hershal!" I had no idea who that was but still. I hope they don't find out. I thought sleepily, and gave in to the darkness. I opened my eyes, sweat rolling down my forehead. I struggled against something holding me down. I glanced at my arms to find that they had been tied down to a table. I sighed and put my head down. I stayed awake though. I heard a footstep at the opened cell door. There was a man who looked like he'd been through alot, and it caused my eyes ti soften when I looked at him. "You're awake. I'm Rick. Daryl might have mentioned me." He said. I nodded and struggled against the restraints. "Hershel don't know whats wrong with you, but he said that you should be okay soon." Rick said. "Can you get me out of these now." I said, wiggiling my arms as good as I could. He nodded and sliced them in half with a hunting knife. "Thanks." I mumbled, rubbing my wrist. "Come on, let's introduce you to the others." Rick laughed and I followed him down the stairs.

After he had introduced me to everyone, we all sat down and laughed. I noticed Beth and Carl (Ricks son) were very close. Probably dating. I sighed. I noticed movement from the corner of my eye and I twisted to see Rick walking towards me. "You'll be sleeping in a cell next to Carl. He'll show you where to go." I nodded and walked towards Carl. I waited patiently until they were done talking. Carl glanced up at me. "Rick said that you would show me where my cell is? He said that it would be next to yours. I mean when you have time." I studdered while he blinked up at me with peircing blue eyes. He nodded and stood up. "Follow me." He mumbled and started walking towards the stairs. I followed him towards the stairs. We arrived at two cells, they were nice looking. "So, we haven't had a proper introduction yet." He smirked at me when I jumped. "I'm Carl Grimes, I'm 14." He held out his hand. I shook it. "I'm Emma and I'm 13." I laughed.

It was a couple hours later and I was laying in my cell, just staring at the celing. I heard crys coming from Carls cell. I stood up in my sweat pants and black tank top that Maggie let me borrow, and walked over to his cell. He was rolling around and tears were coming out of his closed eyes. "Carl. Carl wake up." I whispered, gently shaking his shoulders. He jumped and sat straight up in bed. "What?" He gasped. "I heard you crying and you were having a bad dream . So, I came in here and woke you up." I informed him and he nodded. "Thanks." He mumbled, laying down and turning over again. I nodded and walked back to my cell. Before I left Carls cell, I managed to glimpse out the window and see that its was a full moon. I have to get out of here before it was too late! I thought with a jump, but I was too late. I turned into black wolf witha white chest and tail tip, my eyes were the normal blue. Shit! I mentally cursed myself. I sighed and hopped on the bed. I put my head on my paws and flattened my ears. I heard a footstep in the door of my cell. I jumped and saw Carl, covered in sweat. I scrunched up my muzzle. Please don't tell anyone! I pushed the thought into his mind. Carl blinked at me. I wagged my tail once. He walked over and sat on my bed. "I- I had another bad dream." He addmitted sadly. I whined a bit. Do you wanna talk about it? I thought and he shook his head. " I think I'll go back to my cell." He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck and walking back towards the door. If you need anything, just think about it. I'll respond. I thought. I curled up and tucked my head under my tail.

The next morning, I was back to normal human self. Hopefully Carl won't mention it to anyone. I pulled my long brown hair back into a ponytail and walked downstairs, still in my sleeping clothes. Oh well. I slid down the railing into the 'kitchenarea'. I saw Carl was already down there. He glanced up when my shoes hit the floor. He smiled and I grinned back. Beth glared at me. I raised my eyebrows. Emma? The thought flooded into my head. I turned. Yea? I thought. That answered my question. I'm guessing it was Carl wondering if I could still hear his thoughts when I was in human form. I smiled to myself. I pushed into Beths mind. Slut. He's mine. Back off. My eyes widened when I received the nasty horrible thoughts. I trotted off to find Daryl. "Daryl?" I called. His head popped out of a cell. "Hey. Why does Beth hate me so much?" I asked him. "Well, she's getting jealous cause Carl came to you first and not her." He laughed. "OH, and by the way, I know your secret." He whispered. My eyes widened, then squezzed shut. "How did you now?" I mumbled. "Cause. I'm one too." He winked at me and disappeared. (AN/ no Daryl's not flirting, just being mysterious!) I rolled my eyes. CARL! I screamed in my mind. I heard him come running. "Hi, wanna go on a run?" His voice sounded pretty shaky. but I decided that I would ask him about it later. I nodded and I grabbed a machete and Carl grabbed his gun. "DAD WE"RE GOING ON A RUN!" He screamed. We both laughed and ran out of the prison. "So, how long have you been a werewolf?" The question was kind of random but okay I guess. "All of my life?" I giggled and grabbed his hat and placed it on my head. "Okay. Can you change whenever you want to?" He asked. I groaned and nodded. He giggled. "Ok, my turn. Why did you sound so scared this morning when you asked me if I wanted to go on a run?" I asked. His gazed darkened. "It's alright-" I began, but he cut me off, "No. You deserve to know." He drew in a breath through his teeth. "So, Beth has a crush on me and she confessed it to me this morning when I woke up, so I don't really like her, so I was just trying to be nice and hang out with her you know? Well anyways, she got mad and ran off. We have to find her and since you're a wolf and all, I thought maybe you should track her scent?" He said, more of a question. I rolled my eyes, but nodded. Carl held out a shirt. I turned and sniffed it. I let out a soft bark and started sniffing the ground. He laughed and began following me. We both walked on about half a mile and I found that her scent was getting stronger, so I transformed and began sniffing with my own nose. I heard crying in a clearing next to us. "Carl." I whispered. He was messing around a tree. He turned and I jerked my head towards the clearing and followed me into the clearing. I walked in found Beth all huddled up in a ball, crying her eyes out. I'm not exactly sure how she didn't get bit, but still. I began approaching her slowly, wincing when I stepped on a twig. It broke with a crunch. Shit. I mentally cursed myself. Beth was on her feet in an instant, and had a gun pointed at my head. My arms jerked up in denial but Carl came crashing through the bushes. "BETH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" He screamed but the sudden commotion caused her to jump and shoot me in my side. I clenched my teeth and fell down. I didn't pass out yet. "Beth." Carl whispered. I drew in a breath as Carl bent down next to me. Beth gazed down at me with anger passing through her eyes. "Leave, get out of here now." Carl growled at her, and she walked off. "I'll be fine. My kind are immune to everything and anything. They can't die unless their burned." I whispered. Daryl crashed through the bushes. His eyes darted around the clearing until they landed on me and Carl. He ran over and bent down next to me. "What happened?" He snarled. "B-Beth." Carl mumbled. I felt myself being pulled into strong arms.

I woke up a little while later and found myself chained to a bed. Again.

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