"Suck my nuts," Abraham said before falling to the ground.
My eyes widened and filled with tears.
Negan was still slamming the bat into Abrahams body.
I flinched every time I heard it.
Negan laughed, "He said 'suck my nuts'!"
"Well, I only told you one, but two finishes the deal." Negan swung the bat at Glenn.
Maggie whimpered, and I bit down on my lip.
Glenn looked up at him with wide eyes, one larger than the other and his head swollen.
"This guys still alive! You just took a really hard hit! Your eyeball is popping out. Gross son of a bitch." Negan laughed again.
"M-Maggie, I will find you." Glenn stammered, blood dripping out of his mouth.
Maggie inhaled as Negan swung again, this time finishing him off.
Daryl jumped at Negan and growled before being tackled to the ground. "Daryl stop!" Rick said. "No." Negan glared at Rick.
A guy walked up and pointed a gun at Daryl, and another had a crossbow. Daryl's crossbow.
"Stop. You don't kill that." Negan stares at the man. They al backed off.
Negan grinned, walking over to Rick. "Rick here, is coming with me. He might not be alive when we come back."
He grabbed Rick by the collar and yanked him to the RV.
I gulped.
Please let him be alright.
They returned about thirty minutes later, and Rick was dragged out of the RV, covered in blood.
Rick stared at Negan from the ground. "There's that look again. You look like I just shit in your cereal. That's not what I want to see."
Rick looked at the ground.
"You. Come here." Negan gestured at Carl.
Carl stood up and walked over to Negan.
"Are you a leftie?" Negan asked. Carl shook his head.
Negan smirked, before wrapping a belt around Carl's arm. "Does that hurt?"
"No." Carl was sizing up to him.
"Well it's supposed to. And it's gonna hurt like a bitch. Lay down there next to dad and stretch out your arms."
Carl did.
"Okay. Rick if you don't cut your own boys arm off, then your whole group dies." Negan said.
Rick was silent, but he started crying.
I gulped, tears brimming my eyes.
"Do it," Negan urged.
"I can't," Rick sobbed.
"Just do it," Carl whispered.
Rick sobbed louder. "Do I have to count down?" Negan growled.
"3." Negan grabbed Rick by the shoulders and shoved the axe towards him.
"Let it be me." Rick cried.
"Should I give you another chance?" Negan said.
Rick nodded. "Speak when you are spoken to." Negan spat.
"Yes. Yes!" Rick choked.
"Good." Negan pushed himself to his feet. "I'll be there for my first payment in a week. Be ready."
Negan laughed, "Bet you thought you were gonna eat Sunday dinner all together. Happy." He chuckled as he walked back to his cars.
"Oh. And I'm taking him with me." He grabbed Daryl and threw him in the back of the van.
I locked eyes with him and started to stand up. Daryl shook his head and I stopped in my tracks.
Maggie started crying, and she stared at Glenn. "Get ready." She said.
"For what?" Rick asked, standing up. Maggie forced herself to get up. "We're going to fight."
"No. We're not. You can barely stand." Rick said, reaching out a hand to steady her.
I stared at the bodies, and Sasha, Rosita, and Eugine started moving Abrahams body.
I stood up, my legs shaking. "This can't be happening. We shouldn't-" My voice broke.
"Why did we let them do this?" I said.
Carl came over and hugged me, and I noticed he was crying too.
Maggie knelt over Glenn and sobbed.
"Just leave him. We'll take care of him." Rick said.
Carl went to help move Glenn.
"What about Daryl?" I say. "We can't leave him. He wouldn't leave us."
"I know. I don't think we should risk anything."
I went silent.
We can only hope now.
last night was ... disturbing. by far the most twisted episode yet.
thanks for reading:)

You and I (carl grimes fanfic)
Fiksi PenggemarEmma has a big secret. She's a werewolf, and sometimes, that can be helpful in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But she falls for a certain boy. And will he fall for her back?