I let out a heavy sigh, rolling over in the leaves.
I stood up and shook off, continuing padding along.
I stalked back through the gates, and my claws started clicking against the pavement.
I hear an engine roar to life, and I turned to see Daryl on a bike with Aaron behind him in an old beat up Cadillac.
They drove out of the gates and I continued with my little 'stroll'.
I hopped up the stairs into Rick's house, and slipped inside.
I walked through the woods, heading for my little 'relaxation' spot.
I hear leaves crunch near me.
I crouched down, pricking my ears.
"I know you're following me, Carl," Enid says.
I rolled my eyes.
The two start running around, like puppies.
Suddenly they duck into a tree, and Carl's hand brushes Enid's.
There are tons of walkers stumbling by.
I turn human and pull out my knife. I lunge for one, stabbing my knife through it's head.
I do that a few more times before I hop up into a tree.
I turned back into a wolf, hoping that they would eventually lose interest.
Carl's eyes lock with mine, and I freeze up, and the walkers continue on.
After all the noise was gone, I hopped down, paws hitting the ground with a soft thump.
I let out a breath, and started to walk off.
"Emma, wait!" Carl yelps.
I turn around, padding back over to him.
I switched into a human and sized up to him.
"I'm sorry."
I ran into Alexandria.
It turned dark faster than I thought, and I saw a red balloon tied to a boat in a lake.
I ran over, and Rick walked by and up to my side.
Then Pete walked up.
"Rick? Is that you?"
Rick was silent, and he slowly put his hand on his gun.
"Keep walking." Rick growls.
"What?" Pete asked.
"Just walk away," Rick said.
Pete stumbled off, leaving Rick and I in the dark.
"Was he drunk?" I asked, shifting from foot to foot.
Rick just nodded.
I started to feel uncomfortable, so I walked home.
Rick spoke to Jesse the next day.
"I can help you..." Rick said.
Jesse shook her head and walked off.
Amazing conversation.
Nothing really happened.
It's so boring here.
I walked down the streets again, wishing to go back out in the woods.
I hear a scream.
I'm a wolf in an instant.
I take off running, ears twisting and flicking, trying to find where it's coming from.
I lock on, and run towards her house, barreling through the door.
Pete has rick in a headlock, and Rick has blood dripping down his face.
I bare my teeth and growl, distracting Pete.
Rick rips himself away from Pete, and looks to me for help.
I lunge forward, slamming Pete through a window, and pinning him on the ground.
Rick then takes over, and people start running up to try and stop the fight.
That didn't work out very well.
The two wrestled around for a bit, and Rick got Pete in a headlock.
Pete was choking by the time Deanna ran up.
"Stop!" She snapped, "Rick! Stop!"
Rick's head jerked towards her voice.
He let go of Pete, and sat up on his knees while Pete tried to get air back into his system.
Rick pulled out his gun and I took a few steps back, and barely seeing Catherine and Alex running out of the gates.
Rick started blabbering on, and Michonne walked up and knocked him out cold.
I sat in the corner, knees to my chest.
No one was here that I could talk to.
Daryl was on a run, and Rick was still recovering, and I didn't want to talk to Carl.
I rested my chin on my knees, sighing,
"How're you doing?" Carol asked walking up.
I shrugged, "Eh."
"How do you feel about Enid?" Carol asked.
I pushed myself to my feet.
"I don't have a very good feeling about her. I'm going out."

You and I (carl grimes fanfic)
FanfictionEmma has a big secret. She's a werewolf, and sometimes, that can be helpful in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. But she falls for a certain boy. And will he fall for her back?