Chapter 6

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I kissed back after a moment, causing sparks to fly .

I pulled away and took in a breath. 

 "Carl, this is too dangerous... in this world." 

Carl looked crestfallen. "Sorry."

"But it's worth the risk." I smirk up at him. Carl grins. "Okay, awesome!" 

I roll my eyes at him. "Come on! We gotta tell dad and the group!" 

"Carl, wait!" 


"If we tell them... I could get in major trouble with Destiny and Gracie. Maybe we should just keep it a secret?" 

"Yeah. I know what you mean. It might be better." Carl grins again, before wrapping me up in a hug. 

We pulled away. 

Someone came running up. It was Rick. "You might want to see this." 


We both ran after him, and he slowed to a halt when I saw a body.

"What the hell happened?" 

"We don't know." Rick stepped aside to fully reveal the person.

Gracie. Gracie was curled up in a ball, and blood pouring out of her stomach.

I clenched my fist. 

I knew that a werewolf could only be killed by another werewolf of some sort. 

She wiped something off of her mouth. 

Carl instantly crouched down at Gracie's side. 

"She's loosing too much blood. She isn't gonna last much longer." Carl informed me. 

I walked over.

Gracie's chest struggled to take in a breath, and it fell and didn't rise again. 

"You did this!" I spat, turning towards Destiny. 

My jaw tensed. I lunged at her, and in mid-air, I was a wolf. 

We tussled around for a bit, me dodging most of her hits. 

And now we circled each other, waiting for someone to make a move. 

"Girls, stop!" Rick snapped. 

"Let them fight," Daryl advised, "Sometimes it's the only way." 

I growled, and bared my teeth. 

Destiny did the same, before she lunged at me.

I sidestepped, and pinned her on the ground.

Without even thinking about it, my jaws closed on Destiny's neck, and she gagged for air. 

Blood pumped out of the neck injury, and I watched the life fade from her eyes.

I realized what I had done. 

I backed away, my eyes wide with fear.

But I walked over to Gracie, and tears ran down my cheeks and through my fur. 

"I'm so sorry." I whisper, touching my nose to her forehead, and then I licked Carl's cheek, before running off into the woods.

I turned human when I thought I was far enough.

I climbed up into a tree. 

I then let myself break down. 

My chest heaved, and I rested the back of my head against the branch.

Everyone I know somehow dies

Tears are pouring out of my eyes now, all the emotions I had held back since my parents died, from killing Rebecca, and now Gracie. 

I bite down on my lip to hold back my choking sobs.

I still have to go on... that's what they would've wanted me to do

I wiped my eyes, and leaped down from the tree. 

I turned into a wolf and pricked my ears.

"Dad, we have to go and find her!" I hear Carl demand.

"Let her cool off. She just lost one of her best friends." Rick responds. 

I then hear footsteps. 

I can't go back. Carl might be put in danger because of me

I turn, and without taking a look back, I run off. 

I dodged walkers, forcing myself to keep going. 

Maybe I should've stayed with them.... I'm so stupid! 

I couldn't turn back now. 

Maybe I'll run into them again? 


I wasn't watching where I was going, I was just walking. 

I ran into someone. 

I looked up to see two girls. 

One had curly brown hair and glasses, and the other had straight light brown hair that was pulled back in a pony tail. They both had brown eyes. 

I took a step back.

"Is that a wolf or a dog?" Curly asked.

"It's a wolf." The other responded. 

"Let's leave it alone. We don't want to make it mad." 

The two walked off, leaving me to continue with my thoughts. 

I could track Carl's scent? 

I put my nose to the ground. 


Then I lift up my head and inhale deeply.


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